html_url,id,node_id,tag_name,target_commitish,name,draft,author,prerelease,created_at,published_at,body,repo,reactions,95017974,RE_kwDOJHON9s4Fqdv2,0.1,main,0.1,0,9599,0,2023-03-09T05:11:00Z,2023-03-09T05:12:12Z,"- Initial working version. `apple-notes-to-sqlite notes.db` dumps your notes out to a SQLite database. [#2]( - `apple-notes-to-sqlite --dump` outputs them to standard output as newline-delimited JSON. [#3](",611552758,,111513749,RE_kwDODLZ_YM4GpZCV,0.2.3,main,0.2.3,0,9599,0,2023-07-09T01:14:06Z,2023-07-09T01:15:03Z,"- Progress bar now includes a count of the total number of items to fetch. - Now packaged using `pyproject.toml`. [#12](",213286752,,75010827,RE_kwDODLZ_YM4EeJML,0.2.2,main,0.2.2,0,9599,0,2022-08-22T16:18:16Z,2022-08-22T16:21:34Z,"- `-a` is now the shortcut for `--auth` - previously it was duplicated as a shortcut for `--all`. Thanks, [Thomas Lockney]( [#7]( - `pocket-to-sqlite auth` command now updates the existing `auth.json` file rather than over-writing it. [#10](",213286752,,54439832,RE_kwDODFdgUs4DPq-Y,2.8.3,main,2.8.3,0,9599,0,2021-12-01T19:36:52Z,2021-12-01T19:37:19Z,- Minor documentation and inline help improvements.,207052882,,50003635,RE_kwDODEm0Qs4C-v6z,0.22,main,0.22,0,9599,0,2021-09-21T17:39:08Z,2021-09-21T17:41:05Z,"- `twitter-to-sqlite import` now imports `app.js` to `archive_app` table. - Small fixes for `twitter-to-sqlite import` reflecting changed filenames in the Twitter export. - Fix for remaining `since_id` bug, thanks Ruben Vermeersch! [#58](",206156866,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 1, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 1, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",98864081,RE_kwDODD6af84F5IvR,0.3.4,main,0.3.4,0,9599,0,2023-04-11T03:17:35Z,2023-04-11T03:18:16Z,- Fixed an error in the `checkins_detail` view. [#15](,205429375,,109839649,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4GjAUh,3.33,main,3.33,0,9599,0,2023-06-26T01:31:22Z,2023-06-26T01:32:30Z,"- `sqlite-utils` will now use []( in place of `sqlite3` if it is installed in the same virtual environment. This is useful for Python environments with either an outdated version of SQLite or with restrictions on SQLite such as disabled extension loading or restrictions resulting in the `sqlite3.OperationalError: table sqlite_master may not be modified` error. ([#559]( - New `with db.ensure_autocommit_off()` context manager, which ensures that the database is in autocommit mode for the duration of a block of code. This is used by `db.enable_wal()` and `db.disable_wal()` to ensure they work correctly with `pysqlite3` and ``. - New `db.iterdump()` method, providing an iterator over SQL strings representing a dump of the database. This uses `sqlite-dump` if it is available, otherwise falling back on the `conn.iterdump()` method from `sqlite3`. Both `pysqlite3` and `` omit support for `iterdump()` - this method helps paper over that difference.",140912432,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 1, ""+1"": 1, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",103740013,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4GLvJt,3.32.1,main,3.32.1,0,9599,0,2023-05-21T21:11:54Z,2023-05-21T21:12:05Z,"- Examples in the [CLI documentation]( can now all be copied and pasted without needing to remove a leading `$`. ([#551]( - Documentation now covers [Setting up shell completion]( for `bash` and `zsh`. ([#552](",140912432,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 3, ""+1"": 3, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",103736235,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4GLuOr,3.32,main,3.32,0,9599,0,2023-05-21T18:53:44Z,2023-05-21T18:55:42Z,"- New experimental `sqlite-utils tui` interface for interactively building command-line invocations, powered by [Trogon]( This requires an optional dependency, installed using `sqlite-utils install trogon`. There is a screenshot [in the documentation]( ([#545]( - `sqlite-utils analyze-tables` command ([documentation]( now has a `--common-limit 20` option for changing the number of common/least-common values shown for each column. ([#544]( - `sqlite-utils analyze-tables --no-most` and `--no-least` options for disabling calculation of most-common and least-common values. - If a column contains only `null` values, `analyze-tables` will no longer attempt to calculate the most common and least common values for that column. ([#547]( - Calling `sqlite-utils analyze-tables` with non-existent columns in the `-c/--column` option now results in an error message. ([#548]( - The `table.analyze_column()` method ([documented here]( now accepts `most_common=False` and `least_common=False` options for disabling calculation of those values.",140912432,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 3, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 3, ""eyes"": 0}",102274005,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4GGJPV,3.31,main,3.31,0,9599,0,2023-05-08T22:33:57Z,2023-05-08T22:37:24Z,"- Dropped support for Python 3.6. Tests now ensure compatibility with Python 3.11. ([#517]( - Automatically locates the SpatiaLite extension on Apple Silicon. Thanks, Chris Amico. ([#536]( - New `--raw-lines` option for the `sqlite-utils query` and `sqlite-utils memory` commands, which outputs just the raw value of the first column of evy row. ([#539]( - Fixed a bug where `table.upsert_all()` failed if the `not_null=` option was passed. ([#538]( - Fixed a `ResourceWarning` when using `sqlite-utils insert`. ([#534]( - Now shows a more detailed error message when `sqlite-utils insert` is called with invalid JSON. ([#532]( - `table.convert(..., skip_false=False)` and `sqlite-utils convert --no-skip-false` options, for avoiding a misfeature where the [convert()]( mechanism skips rows in the database with a falsey value for the specified column. Fixing this by default would be a backwards-incompatible change and is under consideration for a 4.0 release in the future. ([#527]( - Tables can now be created with self-referential foreign keys. Thanks, Scott Perry. ([#537]( - `sqlite-utils transform` no longer breaks if a table defines default values for columns. Thanks, Kenny Song. ([#509]( - Fixed a bug where repeated calls to `table.transform()` did not work correctly. Thanks, Martin Carpenter. ([#525]( - Improved error message if `rows_from_file()` is passed a non-binary-mode file-like object. ([#520](",140912432,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 3, ""+1"": 3, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",75560168,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4EgPTo,3.29,main,3.29,0,9599,0,2022-08-28T03:48:36Z,2022-08-28T03:50:29Z,"- The `sqlite-utils query`, `memory` and `bulk` commands now all accept a new `--functions` option. This can be passed a string of Python code, and any callable objects defined in that code will be made available to SQL queries as custom SQL functions. See [Defining custom SQL functions]( for details. ([#471]( - `db[table].create(...)` method now accepts a new `transform=True` parameter. If the table already exists it will be transform to match the schema configuration options passed to the function. This may result in columns being added or dropped, column types being changed, column order being updated or not null and default values for columns being set. ([#467]( - Related to the above, the `sqlite-utils create-table` command now accepts a `--transform` option. - New introspection property: `table.default_values` returns a dictionary mapping each column name with a default value to the configured default value. ([#475]( - The `--load-extension` option can now be provided a path to a compiled SQLite extension module accompanied by the name of an entrypoint, separated by a colon - for example `--load-extension ./lines0:sqlite3_lines0_noread_init`. This feature is modelled on code first [contributed to Datasette]( by Alex Garcia. ([#470]( - Functions registered using the [db.register_function()]( method can now have a custom name specified using the new `db.register_function(fn, name=...)` parameter. ([#458]( - [sqlite-utils rows]( has a new `--order` option for specifying the sort order for the returned rows. ([#469]( - All of the CLI options that accept Python code blocks can now all be used to define functions that can access modules imported in that same block of code without needing to use the `global` keyword. ([#472]( - Fixed bug where `table.extract()` would not behave correctly for columns containing null values. Thanks, Forest Gregg. ([#423]( - New tutorial: [Cleaning data with sqlite-utils and Datasette]( shows how to use `sqlite-utils` to import and clean an example CSV file. - Datasette and `sqlite-utils` now have a Discord community. [Join the Discord here](",140912432,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 1, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 1, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",72130482,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4ETJ-y,3.28,main,3.28,0,9599,0,2022-07-15T22:56:01Z,2022-07-15T23:02:45Z,"- New [table.duplicate(new_name)]( method for creating a copy of a table with a matching schema and row contents. Thanks, [David]( ([#449]( - New `sqlite-utils duplicate data.db table_name new_name` CLI command for [Duplicating tables]( ([#454]( - `sqlite_utils.utils.rows_from_file()` is now a [documented API]( It can be used to read a sequence of dictionaries from a file-like object containing CSV, TSV, JSON or newline-delimited JSON. It can be passed an explicit format or can attempt to detect the format automatically. ([#443]( - `sqlite_utils.utils.TypeTracker` is now a documented API for detecting the likely column types for a sequence of string rows, see [Detecting column types using TypeTracker]( ([#445]( - `sqlite_utils.utils.chunks()` is now a documented API for [splitting an iterator into chunks]( ([#451]( - `sqlite-utils enable-fts` now has a `--replace` option for replacing the existing FTS configuration for a table. ([#450]( - The `create-index`, `add-column` and `duplicate` commands all now take a `--ignore` option for ignoring errors should the database not be in the right state for them to operate. ([#450](",140912432,,69481688,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4EJDTY,3.27,main,3.27,0,9599,0,2022-06-15T04:30:47Z,2022-06-15T04:34:45Z,"See also [the annotated release notes]( for this release. - Documentation now uses the [Furo]( Sphinx theme. ([#435]( - Code examples in documentation now have a ""copy to clipboard"" button. ([#436]( - `sqlite_utils.utils.utils.rows_from_file()` is now a documented API, see [Reading rows from a file]( ([#443]( - `rows_from_file()` has two new parameters to help handle CSV files with rows that contain more values than are listed in that CSV file's headings: `ignore_extras=True` and `extras_key=""name-of-key""`. ([#440]( - `sqlite_utils.utils.maximize_csv_field_size_limit()` helper function for increasing the field size limit for reading CSV files to its maximum, see [Setting the maximum CSV field size limit]( ([#442]( - `, where_args=)` parameters for adding additional `WHERE` clauses to a search query. The `where=` parameter is available on `table.search_sql(...)` as well. See [Searching with]( ([#441]( - Fixed bug where `table.detect_fts()` and other search-related functions could fail if two FTS-enabled tables had names that were prefixes of each other. ([#434](",140912432,,80981028,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4E06wk,3.30,main,3.30,0,9599,0,2022-10-25T22:34:30Z,2022-10-25T22:34:48Z,"- Now tested against Python 3.11. ([#502]( - New `table.search_sql(include_rank=True)` option, which adds a `rank` column to the generated SQL. Thanks, Jacob Chapman. ([#480]( - Progress bars now display for newline-delimited JSON files using the `--nl` option. Thanks, Mischa Untaga. ([#485]( - New `db.close()` method. ([#504]( - Conversion functions passed to [table.convert(...)]( can now return lists or dictionaries, which will be inserted into the database as JSON strings. ([#495]( - `sqlite-utils install` and `sqlite-utils uninstall` commands for installing packages into the same virtual environment as `sqlite-utils`, [described here]( ([#483]( - New [sqlite_utils.utils.flatten()]( utility function. ([#500]( - Documentation on [using Just]( to run tests, linters and build documentation. - Documentation now covers the [Release process]( for this package.",140912432,,61628678,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4DrGEG,3.25.1,main,3.25.1,0,9599,0,2022-03-11T18:34:44Z,2022-03-11T18:35:41Z,- Improved display of type information and parameters in the [API reference documentation]( [#413](,140912432,,60770975,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4Dn0qf,3.25,main,3.25,0,9599,0,2022-03-02T06:34:46Z,2022-03-02T06:35:18Z,"- New `hash_id_columns=` parameter for creating a primary key that's a hash of the content of specific columns - see [Setting an ID based on the hash of the row contents]( for details. ([#343]( - New [db.sqlite_version]( property, returning a tuple of integers representing the version of SQLite, for example `(3, 38, 0)`. - Fixed a bug where [register_function(deterministic=True)]( caused errors on versions of SQLite prior to 3.8.3. ([#408]( - New documented [hash_record(record, keys=...)]( function.",140912432,,59656694,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4Djkn2,3.24,main,3.24,0,9599,0,2022-02-16T01:39:13Z,2022-02-16T01:41:50Z,"- SpatiaLite helpers for the `sqlite-utils` command-line tool - thanks, Chris Amico. ([#398]( - [sqlite-utils create-database]( `--init-spatialite` option for initializing SpatiaLite on a newly created database. - [sqlite-utils add-geometry-column]( command for adding geometry columns. - [sqlite-utils create-spatial-index]( command for adding spatial indexes. - `db[table].create(..., if_not_exists=True)` option for [creating a table]( only if it does not already exist. ([#397]( - `Database(memory_name=""my_shared_database"")` parameter for creating a [named in-memory database]( that can be shared between multiple connections. ([#405]( - Documentation now describes [how to add a primary key to a rowid table]( using `sqlite-utils transform`. ([#403](",140912432,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 2, ""+1"": 1, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 1, ""eyes"": 0}",58663467,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4DfyIr,3.23,main,3.23,0,9599,0,2022-02-04T06:41:46Z,2022-02-04T06:44:19Z,"This release introduces four new utility methods for working with [SpatiaLite]( Thanks, Chris Amico. ([#330]( - `sqlite_utils.utils.find_spatialite()` [finds the location of the SpatiaLite module]( on disk. - `db.init_spatialite()` [initializes SpatiaLite]( for the given database. - `table.add_geometry_column(...)` [adds a geometry column]( to an existing table. - `table.create_spatial_index(...)` [creates a spatial index]( for a column. - `sqlite-utils batch` now accepts a `--batch-size` option. ([#392](",140912432,,57980102,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4DdLTG,3.22.1,main,3.22.1,0,9599,0,2022-01-26T03:28:30Z,2022-01-26T03:29:24Z,"- All commands now include example usage in their `--help` - see [CLI reference]( ([#384]( - Python library documentation has a new [Getting started]( section. ([#387]( - Documentation now uses [Plausible analytics]( ([#389](",140912432,,56788942,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4DYofO,3.21,main,3.21,0,9599,0,2022-01-11T02:34:21Z,2022-01-11T02:35:02Z,"CLI and Python library improvements to help run [ANALYZE]( after creating indexes or inserting rows, to gain better performance from the SQLite query planner when it runs against indexes. Three new CLI commands: `create-database`, `analyze` and `bulk`. More details and examples can be found in the [annotated release notes]( - New `sqlite-utils create-database` command for creating new empty database files. ([#348]( - New Python methods for running `ANALYZE` against a database, table or index: `db.analyze()` and `table.analyze()`, see [Optimizing index usage with ANALYZE]( ([#366]( - New [sqlite-utils analyze command]( for running `ANALYZE` using the CLI. ([#379]( - The `create-index`, `insert` and `upsert` commands now have a new `--analyze` option for running `ANALYZE` after the command has completed. ([#379]( - New [sqlite-utils bulk command]( which can import records in the same way as `sqlite-utils insert` (from JSON, CSV or TSV) and use them to bulk execute a parametrized SQL query. ([#375]( - The CLI tool can now also be run using `python -m sqlite_utils`. ([#368]( - Using `--fmt` now implies `--table`, so you don't need to pass both options. ([#374]( - The `--convert` function applied to rows can now modify the row in place. ([#371]( - The [insert-files command]( supports two new columns: `stem` and `suffix`. ([#372]( - The `--nl` import option now ignores blank lines in the input. ([#376]( - Fixed bug where streaming input to the `insert` command with `--batch-size 1` would appear to only commit after several rows had been ingested, due to unnecessary input buffering. ([#364](",140912432,,56875206,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4DY9jG,3.22,main,3.22,0,9599,0,2022-01-11T23:44:48Z,2022-01-11T23:49:28Z,"- New [CLI reference]( documentation page, listing the output of `--help` for every one of the CLI commands. ([#383]( - `sqlite-utils rows` now has `--limit` and `--offset` options for paginating through data. ([#381]( - `sqlite-utils rows` now has `--where` and `-p` options for filtering the table using a `WHERE` query, see [Returning all rows in a table]( ([#382](",140912432,,56514583,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4DXlgX,3.20,main,3.20,0,9599,0,2022-01-06T06:55:35Z,2022-01-06T06:57:09Z,"- `sqlite-utils insert ... --lines` to insert the lines from a file into a table with a single `line` column, see [Inserting unstructured data with --lines and --text]( - `sqlite-utils insert ... --text` to insert the contents of the file into a table with a single `text` column and a single row. - `sqlite-utils insert ... --convert` allows a Python function to be provided that will be used to convert each row that is being inserted into the database. See [Applying conversions while inserting data](, including details on special behavior when combined with `--lines` and `--text`. ([#356]( - `sqlite-utils convert` now accepts a code value of `-` to read code from standard input. ([#353]( - `sqlite-utils convert` also now accepts code that defines a named `convert(value)` function, see [Converting data in columns]( - `db.supports_strict` property showing if the database connection supports [SQLite strict tables]( - `table.strict` property (see [.strict]( indicating if the table uses strict mode. ([#344]( - Fixed bug where `sqlite-utils upsert ... --detect-types` ignored the `--detect-types` option. ([#362](",140912432,,53785562,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4DNLPa,3.19,main,3.19,0,9599,0,2021-11-21T04:41:56Z,2021-11-21T04:42:24Z,"- The [table.lookup() method]( now accepts keyword arguments that match those on the underlying `table.insert()` method: `foreign_keys=`, `column_order=`, `not_null=`, `defaults=`, `extracts=`, `conversions=` and `columns=`. You can also now pass `pk=` to specify a different column name to use for the primary key. ([#342](",140912432,,53698399,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4DM19f,3.19a0,main,3.19a0,0,9599,1,2021-11-19T07:27:41Z,2021-11-19T07:28:50Z,- Extra keyword arguments for `table.lookup()` which are passed through to `.insert()`. [#342](,140912432,,53350811,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4DLhGb,3.18,main,3.18,0,9599,0,2021-11-15T03:15:23Z,2021-11-15T03:17:31Z,"- The `table.lookup()` method now has an optional second argument which can be used to populate columns only the first time the record is created, see [Working with lookup tables]( ([#339]( - `sqlite-utils memory` now has a `--flatten` option for [flattening nested JSON objects]( into separate columns, consistent with `sqlite-utils insert`. ([#332]( - `table.create_index(..., find_unique_name=True)` parameter, which finds an available name for the created index even if the default name has already been taken. This means that `index-foreign-keys` will work even if one of the indexes it tries to create clashes with an existing index name. ([#335]( - Added `py.typed` to the module, so [mypy]( should now correctly pick up the type annotations. Thanks, Andreas Longo. ([#331]( - Now depends on `python-dateutil` instead of depending on `dateutils`. Thanks, Denys Pavlov. ([#324]( - `table.create()` (see [Explicitly creating a table]( now handles `dict`, `list` and `tuple` types, mapping them to `TEXT` columns in SQLite so that they can be stored encoded as JSON. ([#338]( - Inserted data with square braces in the column names (for example a CSV file containing a `item[price]`) column now have the braces converted to underscores: `item_price_`. Previously such columns would be rejected with an error. ([#329]( - Now also tested against Python 3.10. ([#330](",140912432,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 1, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 1, ""eyes"": 0}",65833874,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4D7IuS,3.26.1,main,3.26.1,0,9599,0,2022-05-02T18:17:19Z,2022-05-02T18:18:01Z,"- Now depends on [click-default-group-wheel](, a pure Python wheel package. This means you can install and use this package with [Pyodide](, which can run Python entirely in your browser using WebAssembly. ([#429]( Try that out using the [Pyodide REPL]( ```pycon >>> import micropip >>> await micropip.install(""sqlite-utils"") >>> import sqlite_utils >>> db = sqlite_utils.Database(memory=True) >>> list(db.query(""select 3 * 5"")) [{'3 * 5': 15}] ```",140912432,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 1, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 1, ""eyes"": 0}",64414802,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4D1uRS,3.26,main,3.26,0,9599,0,2022-04-13T22:51:48Z,2022-04-13T22:53:36Z,"- New `errors=r.IGNORE/r.SET_NULL` parameter for the `r.parsedatetime()` and `r.parsedate()` [convert recipes]( ([#416]( - Fixed a bug where `--multi` could not be used in combination with `--dry-run` for the [convert]( command. ([#415]( - New documentation: [Using a convert() function to execute initialization]( ([#420]( - More robust detection for whether or not `deterministic=True` is supported. ([#425](",140912432,,50089123,RE_kwDOCGYnMM4C_Eyj,3.17.1,main,3.17.1,0,9599,0,2021-09-22T20:49:36Z,2021-09-22T20:51:04Z,"- [sqlite-utils memory]( now works if files passed to it share the same file name. ([#325]( - [sqlite-utils query]( now returns `[]` in JSON mode if no rows are returned. ([#328](",140912432,,101136455,RE_kwDOBm6k_c4GBzhH,0.64.3,0.64.x,0.64.3,0,9599,0,2023-04-27T14:55:25Z,2023-04-27T15:00:27Z,- Added `pip` and `setuptools` as explicit dependencies. This fixes a bug where Datasette could not be installed using [Rye]( ([#2065](,107914493,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 3, ""+1"": 1, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 2, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",94985654,RE_kwDOBm6k_c4FqV22,0.64.2,0.64.x,0.64.2,0,9599,0,2023-03-08T20:41:13Z,2023-03-08T20:46:27Z,"- Fixed a bug with `datasette publish cloudrun` where deploys all used the same Docker image tag. This was mostly inconsequential as the service is deployed as soon as the image has been pushed to the registry, but could result in the incorrect image being deployed if two different deploys for two separate services ran at exactly the same time. [#2036]( ",107914493,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 1, ""+1"": 1, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",88623648,RE_kwDOBm6k_c4FSEog,0.64.1,0.64.x,0.64.1,0,9599,0,2023-01-11T18:21:37Z,2023-01-11T18:27:56Z,"- Documentation now links to a current source of information for installing Python 3. ([#1987]( - Incorrectly calling the Datasette constructor using `Datasette(""path/to/data.db"")` instead of `Datasette([""path/to/data.db""])` now returns a useful error message. ([#1985](",107914493,,88331580,RE_kwDOBm6k_c4FQ9U8,0.64,0.63.x,0.64,0,9599,0,2023-01-09T16:37:21Z,2023-01-09T16:49:04Z,"- Datasette now **strongly recommends against allowing arbitrary SQL queries if you are using SpatiaLite**. SpatiaLite includes SQL functions that could cause the Datasette server to crash. See [SpatiaLite]( for more details. - New [default_allow_sql]( setting, providing an easier way to disable all arbitrary SQL execution by end users: `datasette --setting default_allow_sql off`. See also [Controlling the ability to execute arbitrary SQL]( ([#1409]( - [Building a location to time zone API with SpatiaLite]( is a new Datasette tutorial showing how to safely use SpatiaLite to create a location to time zone API. - New documentation about [how to debug problems loading SQLite extensions]( The error message shown when an extension cannot be loaded has also been improved. ([#1979]( - Fixed an accessibility issue: the `