350 rows
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: num_blank
Link | table | column | total_rows | num_null | num_blank | num_distinct | most_common | least_common |
_analyze_tables_,column | _analyze_tables_ | column | 350 | 0 | 0 | 153 | [["id", 33], ["name", 17], ["repo", 11], ["term", 10], ["sz", 10], ["segid", 10], ["pgno", 10], ["node_id", 10], ["k", 10], ["block", 10]] | [["uploader", 1], ["use_squash_pr_title_as_default", 1], ["user_id", 1], ["uses", 1], ["visibility", 1], ["watchers", 1], ["watchers_count", 1], ["web_commit_signoff_required", 1], ["with", 1], ["workflow", 1]] |
_analyze_tables_,least_common | _analyze_tables_ | least_common | 350 | 211 | 0 | 117 | [["None", 211], ["[[\"zxygithub\", 1], [\"zy528\", 1], [\"zyuanlim\", 1], [\"zz\", 1], [\"zz0x\", 1], [\"zz21...", 4], ["[[314, 1], [334, 1], [364, 1], [387, 1], [1057, 1], [1062, 1], [1230, 1], [1260,...", 3], ["[[\"release\", 1], [\"search\", 1], [\"security\", 1], [\"small\", 1], [\"support\", 1], [...", 2], ["[[\"https://sqlite-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.html#v1-2\", 1], [\"htt...", 2], ["[[\"Datasette 0.60\", 1], [\"Datasette 0.62\", 1], [\"Datasette 1.0\", 1], [\"Datasette...", 2], ["[[\"Datasette 0.29\", 1], [\"Datasette 0.31\", 1], [\"Datasette 0.32\", 1], [\"Datasett...", 2], ["[[\"Awaiting something else to happen first\", 1], [\"Further information is reques...", 2], ["[[\"Ability to fully customize the HTML templates used to display datasette data....", 2], ["[[\"3.32.1\", 1], [\"3.33\", 1], [\"3.4\", 1], [\"3.4.1\", 1], [\"3.5\", 1], [\"3.6\", 1], [...", 2]] | [["[[37962604, 1], [39452697, 1], [56323389, 1], [72577720, 1], [87192257, 1], [918...", 1], ["[[439, 1], [443, 1], [446, 1], [449, 1], [452, 1], [460, 1], [461, 1], [487, 1],...", 1], ["[[49702524, 1], [52261150, 1], [60892516, 1], [63653929, 1], [76450761, 1], [765...", 1], ["[[5234079, 1], [5533512, 1], [5897911, 1], [6055094, 1], [4471010, 2], [5971510,...", 1], ["[[57859326, 1], [69208826, 1], [76450761, 1], [80409402, 1], [83080728, 1], [871...", 1], ["[[626, 1], [628, 1], [630, 1], [632, 1], [636, 1], [638, 1], [640, 1], [642, 1],...", 1], ["[[663556926, 1], [663586533, 1], [664178911, 1], [664727381, 1], [664733539, 1],...", 1], ["[[791181, 1], [1124434, 1], [1205836, 1], [1215453, 1], [1216794, 1], [1289400, ...", 1], ["[[9374594, 1], [5896742, 3], [4348046, 4], [5324096, 4], [5607421, 4], [2859414,...", 1], ["[[947465681, 1], [1382668283, 1], [1918831023, 1], [2157112227, 1], [2175284252,...", 1]] |
_analyze_tables_,most_common | _analyze_tables_ | most_common | 350 | 85 | 0 | 206 | [["None", 85], ["[[\"None\", 1329]]", 12], ["[[4, 1]]", 10], ["[[\"version\", 1]]", 10], ["[[\"fineheard\", 2], [\"0nyr\", 1], [\"0nebody\", 1], [\"0ndrec\", 1], [\"0ihsan\", 1], [\"...", 4], ["[[2, 1]]", 3], ["[[1, 1]]", 3], ["[[0, 952], [1, 138], [2, 57], [3, 34], [5, 15], [4, 15], [7, 12], [6, 10], [12, ...", 3], ["[[\"b''\", 1]]", 3], ["[[\"\", 21], [\"The first Datasette 1.0 alpha release.\", 1], [\"None\", 1], [\"Just ad...", 2]] | [["[[9599, 1991], [49699333, 70], [536941, 32], [45057, 26], [27856297, 22], [25778...", 1], ["[[9599, 1]]", 1], ["[[9599, 2926], [19864447, 839], [\"None\", 8], [21148, 6], [45057, 5]]", 1], ["[[9599, 344]]", 1], ["[[9599, 34]]", 1], ["[[9599, 3540], [49699333, 48], [45057, 20], [27856297, 17], [\"None\", 8], [21148,...", 1], ["[[9599, 8456], [22429695, 204], [536941, 79], [25778, 70], [45057, 39], [82988, ...", 1], ["[[971057476, 3], [853484980, 2], [817257851, 2], [804924636, 2], [700944644, 2],...", 1], ["[[null, 1]]", 1], ["[[null, 9947]]", 1]] |
_analyze_tables_,num_blank | _analyze_tables_ | num_blank | 350 | 0 | 0 | 10 | [[0, 336], [99, 2], [54, 2], [46, 2], [21, 2], [8, 2], [10621, 1], [1329, 1], [300, 1], [114, 1]] | |
_analyze_tables_,num_distinct | _analyze_tables_ | num_distinct | 350 | 0 | 0 | 126 | [[1, 71], [2, 25], [16, 13], [3, 12], [34, 9], [560, 7], [6, 7], [1329, 6], [344, 6], [0, 6]] | [[1877, 1], [2009, 1], [2033, 1], [2084, 1], [2782, 1], [2890, 1], [3656, 1], [3781, 1], [9675, 1], [11232, 1]] |
_analyze_tables_,num_null | _analyze_tables_ | num_null | 350 | 0 | 0 | 53 | [[0, 279], [1, 5], [1275, 4], [1120, 4], [560, 2], [431, 2], [14, 2], [13, 2], [10, 2], [8, 2]] | [[1108, 1], [1214, 1], [1229, 1], [1244, 1], [1266, 1], [1278, 1], [1290, 1], [2293, 1], [2872, 1], [9947, 1]] |
_analyze_tables_,table | _analyze_tables_ | table | 350 | 0 | 0 | 73 | [["repos", 57], ["pull_requests", 23], ["issues", 23], ["milestones", 15], ["releases", 14], ["assets", 14], ["issue_comments", 12], ["steps", 10], ["users", 9], ["commits", 9]] | [["commits_fts", 1], ["issue_comments_fts", 1], ["licenses_fts", 1], ["repos_fts_config", 2], ["repos_fts_data", 2], ["repos_fts_docsize", 2], ["users_fts", 2], ["users_fts_config", 2], ["users_fts_data", 2], ["users_fts_docsize", 2]] |
_analyze_tables_,total_rows | _analyze_tables_ | total_rows | 350 | 0 | 0 | 37 | [[1329, 61], [1, 43], [2892, 27], [560, 27], [34, 19], [344, 18], [9947, 15], [10621, 13], [3784, 12], [103, 11]] | [[25, 2], [47, 2], [50, 2], [126, 2], [163, 2], [420, 2], [688, 2], [3206, 2], [1877, 3], [11236, 3]] |
assets,browser_download_url | assets | browser_download_url | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [["https://github.com/simonw/datasette/releases/download/0.53/datasette-0.53-macos-...", 1]] | |
assets,content_type | assets | content_type | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [["application/zip", 1]] | |
assets,created_at | assets | created_at | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [["2021-01-04T21:26:30Z", 1]] | |
assets,download_count | assets | download_count | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [[49, 1]] | |
assets,id | assets | id | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [[30264367, 1]] | |
assets,label | assets | label | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | [[null, 1]] | |
assets,name | assets | name | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [["datasette-0.53-macos-binary.zip", 1]] | |
assets,node_id | assets | node_id | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [["MDEyOlJlbGVhc2VBc3NldDMwMjY0MzY3", 1]] | |
assets,release | assets | release | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [[35131848, 1]] | |
assets,size | assets | size | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [[8297283, 1]] | |
assets,state | assets | state | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [["uploaded", 1]] | |
assets,updated_at | assets | updated_at | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [["2021-01-04T21:26:43Z", 1]] | |
assets,uploader | assets | uploader | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [[9599, 1]] | |
assets,url | assets | url | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [["https://api.github.com/repos/simonw/datasette/releases/assets/30264367", 1]] | |
commits,author | commits | author | 3784 | 8 | 0 | 107 | [[9599, 3540], [49699333, 48], [45057, 20], [27856297, 17], ["None", 8], [21148, 7], [198537, 6], [25778, 6], [3243482, 5], [2657547, 5]] | [[16001974, 1], [17075617, 1], [22578954, 1], [28597217, 1], [29426418, 1], [32467826, 1], [32605365, 1], [56323389, 1], [72577720, 1], [99098079, 1]] |
commits,author_date | commits | author_date | 3784 | 0 | 0 | 3781 | [["2022-12-15T17:34:07Z", 2], ["2022-03-15T15:36:35Z", 2], ["2021-07-30T00:44:16Z", 2], ["2017-10-24T02:36:44Z", 1], ["2017-10-24T02:25:48Z", 1], ["2017-10-24T02:00:37Z", 1], ["2017-10-23T16:02:40Z", 1], ["2017-10-23T15:28:00Z", 1], ["2017-10-23T00:41:19Z", 1], ["2017-10-23T00:39:03Z", 1]] | [["2023-07-08T18:40:19Z", 1], ["2023-07-08T19:50:22Z", 1], ["2023-07-08T20:08:09Z", 1], ["2023-07-09T01:03:25Z", 1], ["2023-07-09T01:03:41Z", 1], ["2023-07-09T01:04:14Z", 1], ["2023-07-09T01:05:05Z", 1], ["2023-07-09T01:13:36Z", 1], ["2023-07-09T01:14:06Z", 1], ["2023-07-10T19:24:26Z", 1]] |
commits,committer | commits | committer | 3784 | 8 | 0 | 4 | [[9599, 2926], [19864447, 839], ["None", 8], [21148, 6], [45057, 5]] | |
commits,committer_date | commits | committer_date | 3784 | 0 | 0 | 3656 | [["2018-05-16T15:27:24Z", 23], ["2022-12-17T21:47:55Z", 18], ["2020-10-27T19:39:55Z", 11], ["2018-04-09T05:10:22Z", 9], ["2020-06-01T01:16:42Z", 8], ["2022-12-31T18:52:37Z", 6], ["2022-01-06T06:24:53Z", 6], ["2020-11-06T18:30:41Z", 6], ["2019-07-03T03:23:05Z", 5], ["2018-05-14T03:04:23Z", 5]] | [["2023-07-08T18:00:08Z", 1], ["2023-07-08T18:22:21Z", 1], ["2023-07-08T18:35:15Z", 1], ["2023-07-08T18:40:19Z", 1], ["2023-07-08T19:50:22Z", 1], ["2023-07-08T20:08:09Z", 1], ["2023-07-09T01:05:05Z", 1], ["2023-07-09T01:13:36Z", 1], ["2023-07-09T01:14:06Z", 1], ["2023-07-10T19:24:26Z", 1]] |
commits,message | commits | message | 3784 | 0 | 0 | 3679 | [["Fixed typo", 12], ["Applied Black", 11], ["Typo fix", 9], ["Updated README", 8], ["Release 0.2", 8], ["Typo", 6], ["Release 0.4", 4], ["Release 0.3", 4], ["Fixed typo in release notes", 4], ["Changelog badge", 4]] | [["view-instance permission for debug URLs, closes #833", 1], ["where= and where_args= parameters to search() and search_sql()\n\nCloses #441", 1], ["white-space: pre-wrap for table SQL, closes #505", 1], ["will, not may - refs #468", 1], ["word-break: break-word;", 1], ["word-wrap: anywhere on links in cells, refs #1805", 1], ["workflow_dispatch", 1], ["x button for clearing filters, refs #1016", 1], ["xfail documentation unit tests for view classes, refs #299\n\nMore documentation u...", 1], ["© 2017-2021", 1]] |
commits,raw_author | commits | raw_author | 3784 | 0 | 0 | 113 | [["13ae486343ea6454a93114c6f558ffea2f2c6874", 3311], ["2946d096d0cdefdc017559e6b57e87658736e843", 229], ["5df307d91b1167b0aa175853783d760add239497", 48], ["cd9d55c7c0a7cc0ee69155676fd5e9fc6e1b884b", 20], ["2edd38cb3801aa07f709f083eba7cbe4f16e0978", 17], ["f0031cc286d7f7a2dc1ac63c2100b9870639429c", 8], ["2035bd0fdcffb9aa3b95f21a684665482bd8c80f", 7], ["90786fb02407ad60f10210c0592ee711a9a36fae", 6], ["b90d9715d7c0881515e9d6aa98923ed89d445945", 5], ["106fe7fbf8b80a01038e265a137b3b703422db48", 5]] | [["ddda3e8cc5167e6bdbab6819a1f4e8e2621f4e89", 1], ["e7784035c9ce3ef64d906c543907d5025673d054", 1], ["eab1e8f71bd05f2ff2163f024127cc28876dd05d", 1], ["f25304fb12f6d6fab36f551427610ed8e96f0c2f", 1], ["f2f4d10a554519ea00fb44a5f6377123c59e1f22", 1], ["f333c00958a658720cd93e305aac71711b88e52b", 1], ["f3dfe1c3cf166dd0b9b8860a25045107a068c5df", 1], ["f85fb7898f36734a83fd9c8a2c2e96c751920c35", 1], ["f98e0e8fe6ee48ca1f752bb408eecbbd294f9ceb", 1], ["fcf3b31d4679bb2112170ec4dda53dede33a16b3", 1]] |
commits,raw_committer | commits | raw_committer | 3784 | 0 | 0 | 6 | [["13ae486343ea6454a93114c6f558ffea2f2c6874", 2679], ["cd792325681cbad9f663f2879d8b69f1edbb678f", 839], ["2946d096d0cdefdc017559e6b57e87658736e843", 247], ["f0031cc286d7f7a2dc1ac63c2100b9870639429c", 8], ["2035bd0fdcffb9aa3b95f21a684665482bd8c80f", 6], ["cd9d55c7c0a7cc0ee69155676fd5e9fc6e1b884b", 5]] | |
commits,repo | commits | repo | 3784 | 0 | 0 | 16 | [[107914493, 2314], [140912432, 901], [207052882, 176], [206156866, 132], [197431109, 61], [256834907, 41], [205429375, 36], [197882382, 30], [213286752, 22], [303218369, 19]] | [[209590345, 1], [206649770, 6], [611552758, 9], [206202864, 10], [214746582, 13], [248903544, 13], [303218369, 19], [213286752, 22], [197882382, 30], [205429375, 36]] |
commits,sha | commits | sha | 3784 | 0 | 0 | 3784 | ||
commits_fts,message | commits_fts | message | 3784 | 0 | 0 | 3679 | [["Fixed typo", 12], ["Applied Black", 11], ["Typo fix", 9], ["Updated README", 8], ["Release 0.2", 8], ["Typo", 6], ["Release 0.4", 4], ["Release 0.3", 4], ["Fixed typo in release notes", 4], ["Changelog badge", 4]] | [["view-instance permission for debug URLs, closes #833", 1], ["where= and where_args= parameters to search() and search_sql()\n\nCloses #441", 1], ["white-space: pre-wrap for table SQL, closes #505", 1], ["will, not may - refs #468", 1], ["word-break: break-word;", 1], ["word-wrap: anywhere on links in cells, refs #1805", 1], ["workflow_dispatch", 1], ["x button for clearing filters, refs #1016", 1], ["xfail documentation unit tests for view classes, refs #299\n\nMore documentation u...", 1], ["© 2017-2021", 1]] |
commits_fts_config,k | commits_fts_config | k | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [["version", 1]] | |
commits_fts_config,v | commits_fts_config | v | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [[4, 1]] | |
commits_fts_data,block | commits_fts_data | block | 45 | 0 | 0 | 45 | ||
commits_fts_data,id | commits_fts_data | id | 45 | 0 | 0 | 45 | ||
commits_fts_docsize,id | commits_fts_docsize | id | 3784 | 0 | 0 | 3784 | ||
commits_fts_docsize,sz | commits_fts_docsize | sz | 3784 | 0 | 0 | 123 | [["b'\\x07'", 478], ["b'\\x08'", 454], ["b'\\x06'", 417], ["b'\\t'", 375], ["b'\\x05'", 307], ["b'\\n'", 236], ["b'\\x04'", 219], ["b'\\x03'", 195], ["b'\\x0b'", 151], ["b'\\x0c'", 107]] | [["b'\\x81&'", 1], ["b'\\x81,'", 1], ["b'\\x812'", 1], ["b'\\x819'", 1], ["b'\\x81>'", 1], ["b'\\x81?'", 1], ["b'\\x81['", 1], ["b'\\x81\\\\'", 1], ["b'\\x81h'", 1], ["b'\\x82\\x14'", 1]] |
commits_fts_idx,pgno | commits_fts_idx | pgno | 43 | 0 | 0 | 43 | ||
commits_fts_idx,segid | commits_fts_idx | segid | 43 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [[1, 43]] | |
commits_fts_idx,term | commits_fts_idx | term | 43 | 0 | 0 | 43 | ||
contributors,contributions | contributors | contributions | 131 | 0 | 0 | 23 | [[1, 92], [2, 11], [3, 5], [5, 3], [6, 2], [13, 1], [11, 1], [10, 1], [9, 1], [4, 1]] | [[21, 1], [30, 1], [34, 1], [40, 1], [49, 1], [61, 1], [128, 1], [165, 1], [828, 1], [2011, 1]] |
contributors,repo_id | contributors | repo_id | 131 | 0 | 0 | 16 | [[107914493, 73], [140912432, 30], [207052882, 5], [206156866, 4], [214746582, 3], [205429375, 3], [303218369, 2], [256834907, 2], [213286752, 2], [197431109, 1]] | [[197431109, 1], [197882382, 1], [206202864, 1], [206649770, 1], [209590345, 1], [248903544, 1], [611552758, 1], [213286752, 2], [256834907, 2], [303218369, 2]] |
contributors,user_id | contributors | user_id | 131 | 0 | 0 | 108 | [[9599, 16], [41546558, 2], [536941, 2], [244656, 2], [78035, 2], [50527, 2], [49260, 2], [25778, 2], [21148, 2], [2182, 1]] | [[22578954, 1], [27856297, 1], [28597217, 1], [29426418, 1], [32467826, 1], [32605365, 1], [49699333, 1], [56323389, 1], [72577720, 1], [99098079, 1]] |
dependents,dependent | dependents | dependent | 1658 | 0 | 0 | 1328 | [[138329050, 2], [112050382, 2], [107914493, 2], [99911706, 2], [79072630, 2], [51720846, 2], [51665750, 2], [24275324, 2], [18156953, 2], [5832996, 2]] | [[663556926, 1], [663586533, 1], [664178911, 1], [664727381, 1], [664733539, 1], [664753575, 1], [664756551, 1], [664757179, 1], [665383572, 1], [665620099, 1]] |
dependents,first_seen_utc | dependents | first_seen_utc | 1658 | 0 | 0 | 1658 | ||
dependents,repo | dependents | repo | 1658 | 0 | 0 | 2 | [[140912432, 888], [107914493, 770]] | |
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issues,title | issues | title | 2892 | 0 | 0 | 2877 | [["Update deploying.rst", 2], ["Update README.md", 2], ["Test against Python 3.11-dev", 2], ["TemplateAssertionError: no filter named 'tojson'", 2], ["Support for generated columns", 2], ["Magic parameters for canned queries", 2], ["Drop support for Python 3.6", 2], ["Configure sphinx.ext.extlinks for issues", 2], ["Add paths for homebrew on Apple silicon", 2], ["Add SpatiaLite helpers to CLI", 2]] | [["utils.parse_metadata() should be a documented internal function", 1], ["v0.54 500 error from sql query in custom template; code worked in v0.53; found a...", 1], ["validating the sql", 1], ["view_name = \"query\" for the query page", 1], ["when hashed urls are turned on, the _memory db has improperly long-lived cache e...", 1], ["word-wrap: anywhere resulting in weird display", 1], ["xml.etree.ElementTree.Parse Error - mismatched tag", 1], ["xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token)", 1], ["{\"$file\": ...} mechanism is broken", 1], ["{{ csrftoken() }} doesn't work with datasette.render_template()", 1]] |
issues,type | issues | type | 2892 | 0 | 0 | 2 | [["issue", 2332], ["pull", 560]] | |
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issues_fts,body | issues_fts | body | 2892 | 13 | 99 | 2778 | [["", 99], ["None", 13], ["https://twitter.com/yschimke/status/930606210855854080", 2], ["Split from #1040, refs #1036.", 2], ["Refs #744", 2], ["\r\n\r\n<!-- readthedocs-preview sqlite-utils start -->\r\n----\n:books: Documentation ...", 1], ["\r\n\r\n<!-- readthedocs-preview sqlite-utils start -->\r\n----\n:books: Documentation ...", 1], ["\r\n\r\n<!-- readthedocs-preview datasette start -->\r\n----\n:books: Documentation pre...", 1], ["\r\n\r\n<!-- readthedocs-preview datasette start -->\r\n----\n:books: Documentation pre...", 1], ["\r\n\r\n<!-- readthedocs-preview datasette start -->\r\n----\n:books: Documentation pre...", 1]] | [["ujson is already a dependency of Sanic, and should be quite a bit faster.", 1], ["uvicorn-0.8 relies on websockets-0.7 which lacks python-3.8 compatiblity", 1], ["v0.54 500 error in sql query template; code worked in v0.53; found a workaround\r...", 1], ["vegaEmbed is a LOT of code (it bundles d3)\r\n\r\nInspired by this tweet: https://tw...", 1], ["view-source:https://calands.datasettes.com/calands/CPAD_2020a_SuperUnits.geojson...", 1], ["was looking to add some custom templates to my use of datasette and saw this sma...", 1], ["would it be possible to:\r\n- remove uvicorn mandatory dependancy ?\r\n- eventually ...", 1], ["…are escaped aps unicode for lists, tuples, dicts\r\n\r\nFix of #257 ", 1], ["👋 trying to upgrade the formula to use the latest release, but runs into some r...", 1], ["👋 thank you for an incredibly useful project! \r\n\r\nI have noticed that my deploye...", 1]] |
issues_fts,title | issues_fts | title | 2892 | 0 | 0 | 2877 | [["Update deploying.rst", 2], ["Update README.md", 2], ["Test against Python 3.11-dev", 2], ["TemplateAssertionError: no filter named 'tojson'", 2], ["Support for generated columns", 2], ["Magic parameters for canned queries", 2], ["Drop support for Python 3.6", 2], ["Configure sphinx.ext.extlinks for issues", 2], ["Add paths for homebrew on Apple silicon", 2], ["Add SpatiaLite helpers to CLI", 2]] | [["utils.parse_metadata() should be a documented internal function", 1], ["v0.54 500 error from sql query in custom template; code worked in v0.53; found a...", 1], ["validating the sql", 1], ["view_name = \"query\" for the query page", 1], ["when hashed urls are turned on, the _memory db has improperly long-lived cache e...", 1], ["word-wrap: anywhere resulting in weird display", 1], ["xml.etree.ElementTree.Parse Error - mismatched tag", 1], ["xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token)", 1], ["{\"$file\": ...} mechanism is broken", 1], ["{{ csrftoken() }} doesn't work with datasette.render_template()", 1]] |
issues_fts_config,k | issues_fts_config | k | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [["version", 1]] | |
issues_fts_config,v | issues_fts_config | v | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | [[4, 1]] | |
issues_fts_data,block | issues_fts_data | block | 420 | 0 | 0 | 420 |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE [_analyze_tables_] ( [table] TEXT, [column] TEXT, [total_rows] INTEGER, [num_null] INTEGER, [num_blank] INTEGER, [num_distinct] INTEGER, [most_common] TEXT, [least_common] TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ([table], [column]) );