{"table": "issues", "column": "body", "total_rows": 2892, "num_null": 13, "num_blank": 99, "num_distinct": 2778, "most_common": "[[\"\", 99], [\"None\", 13], [\"https://twitter.com/yschimke/status/930606210855854080\", 2], [\"Split from #1040, refs #1036.\", 2], [\"Refs #744\", 2], [\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n----\\n:books: Documentation ...\", 1], [\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n----\\n:books: Documentation ...\", 1], [\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n----\\n:books: Documentation pre...\", 1], [\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n----\\n:books: Documentation pre...\", 1], [\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n----\\n:books: Documentation pre...\", 1]]", "least_common": "[[\"ujson is already a dependency of Sanic, and should be quite a bit faster.\", 1], [\"uvicorn-0.8 relies on websockets-0.7 which lacks python-3.8 compatiblity\", 1], [\"v0.54 500 error in sql query template; code worked in v0.53; found a workaround\\r...\", 1], [\"vegaEmbed is a LOT of code (it bundles d3)\\r\\n\\r\\nInspired by this tweet: https://tw...\", 1], [\"view-source:https://calands.datasettes.com/calands/CPAD_2020a_SuperUnits.geojson...\", 1], [\"was looking to add some custom templates to my use of datasette and saw this sma...\", 1], [\"would it be possible to:\\r\\n- remove uvicorn mandatory dependancy ?\\r\\n- eventually ...\", 1], [\"\u2026are escaped aps unicode for lists, tuples, dicts\\r\\n\\r\\nFix of #257 \", 1], [\"\ud83d\udc4b trying to upgrade the formula to use the latest release, but runs into some r...\", 1], [\"\ud83d\udc4b thank you for an incredibly useful project! \\r\\n\\r\\nI have noticed that my deploye...\", 1]]"} {"table": "issues_fts", "column": "body", "total_rows": 2892, "num_null": 13, "num_blank": 99, "num_distinct": 2778, "most_common": "[[\"\", 99], [\"None\", 13], [\"https://twitter.com/yschimke/status/930606210855854080\", 2], [\"Split from #1040, refs #1036.\", 2], [\"Refs #744\", 2], [\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n----\\n:books: Documentation ...\", 1], [\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n----\\n:books: Documentation ...\", 1], [\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n----\\n:books: Documentation pre...\", 1], [\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n----\\n:books: Documentation pre...\", 1], [\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n----\\n:books: Documentation pre...\", 1]]", "least_common": "[[\"ujson is already a dependency of Sanic, and should be quite a bit faster.\", 1], [\"uvicorn-0.8 relies on websockets-0.7 which lacks python-3.8 compatiblity\", 1], [\"v0.54 500 error in sql query template; code worked in v0.53; found a workaround\\r...\", 1], [\"vegaEmbed is a LOT of code (it bundles d3)\\r\\n\\r\\nInspired by this tweet: https://tw...\", 1], [\"view-source:https://calands.datasettes.com/calands/CPAD_2020a_SuperUnits.geojson...\", 1], [\"was looking to add some custom templates to my use of datasette and saw this sma...\", 1], [\"would it be possible to:\\r\\n- remove uvicorn mandatory dependancy ?\\r\\n- eventually ...\", 1], [\"\u2026are escaped aps unicode for lists, tuples, dicts\\r\\n\\r\\nFix of #257 \", 1], [\"\ud83d\udc4b trying to upgrade the formula to use the latest release, but runs into some r...\", 1], [\"\ud83d\udc4b thank you for an incredibly useful project! \\r\\n\\r\\nI have noticed that my deploye...\", 1]]"}