sha,message,author_date,committer_date,raw_author,raw_committer,repo,author,committer 03572ae35573c2ea802a540624ce116f540ba1ac,"Allow --load-extension to be set via environment variable I tesed this by first building and running a container using the new Dockerfile from #114: docker build . docker run -it -p 8001:8001 6c9ca7e29181 /bin/sh Then I ran this inside the container itself: apt update && apt-get install wget -y \ && wget \ && gunzip test-2.3.sqlite.gz \ && mv test-2.3.sqlite test23.sqlite \ && datasette -h test23.sqlite I visited this URL to confirm I got an error due to spatialite not being loaded: http://localhost:8001/test23-c88bc35?sql=select+ST_AsText%28Geometry%29+from+HighWays+limit+1 Then I checked that loading it with `--load-extension` worked correctly: datasette -h test23.sqlite \ --load-extension=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Then, finally, I tested it with the new environment variable option: SQLITE_EXTENSIONS=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \ datasette -h test23.sqlite Running it with an invalid environment variable option shows an error: $ SQLITE_EXTENSIONS=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ datasette \ -h test23.sqlite Usage: datasette -h [OPTIONS] [FILES]... Error: Invalid value for ""--load-extension"": Path ""/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"" does not exist. Closes #112",2017-11-17T14:13:35Z,2017-11-17T14:13:35Z,2946d096d0cdefdc017559e6b57e87658736e843,2946d096d0cdefdc017559e6b57e87658736e843,107914493,9599,9599