{"sha": "a236a6bc771a5a6a9d7e814f1986d461afc422d2", "message": "Release notes for 2.11\n\nRefs #118, #120", "author_date": "2020-07-08T17:36:07Z", "committer_date": "2020-07-08T17:36:07Z", "raw_author": {"value": "13ae486343ea6454a93114c6f558ffea2f2c6874", "label": "Simon Willison"}, "raw_committer": {"value": "13ae486343ea6454a93114c6f558ffea2f2c6874", "label": "Simon Willison"}, "repo": {"value": 140912432, "label": "sqlite-utils"}, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "committer": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}} {"sha": "ae4593316ccf5e42ad26f27033193834a7e696c8", "message": "Add insert --truncate option\n\nDeletes all rows in the table (if it exists) before inserting new rows.\nSQLite doesn't implement a TRUNCATE TABLE statement but does optimize an\nunqualified DELETE FROM.\n\nThis can be handy if you want to refresh the entire contents of a table\nbut a) don't have a PK (so can't use --replace), b) don't want the table\nto disappear (even briefly) for other connections, and c) have to handle\nrecords that used to exist being deleted.\n\nIdeally the replacement of rows would appear instantaneous to other\nconnections by putting the DELETE + INSERT in a transaction, but this is\nvery difficult without breaking other code as the current transaction\nhandling is inconsistent and non-systematic. There exists the\npossibility for the DELETE to succeed but the INSERT to fail, leaving an\nempty table. This is not much worse, however, than the current\npossibility of one chunked INSERT succeeding and being committed while\nthe next chunked INSERT fails, leaving a partially complete operation.", "author_date": "2020-07-06T21:18:23Z", "committer_date": "2020-07-08T17:26:20Z", "raw_author": {"value": "f2f4d10a554519ea00fb44a5f6377123c59e1f22", "label": "Thomas Sibley"}, "raw_committer": {"value": "13ae486343ea6454a93114c6f558ffea2f2c6874", "label": "Simon Willison"}, "repo": {"value": 140912432, "label": "sqlite-utils"}, "author": {"value": 79913, "label": "tsibley"}, "committer": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}}