html_url,issue_url,id,node_id,user,created_at,updated_at,author_association,body,reactions,issue,performed_via_github_app,,709589297,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDcwOTU4OTI5Nw==,9599,2020-10-15T21:04:31Z,2020-10-15T21:04:31Z,OWNER,I think nginx or Apache would be the best tools for this. I'm inclined to try with nginx first since I know it better.,"{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",722674708,,,709590337,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDcwOTU5MDMzNw==,9599,2020-10-15T21:06:24Z,2020-10-15T21:07:19Z,OWNER,"From it looks like the config I should use is:
server {
listen 80;
location /datasette/ {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_read_timeout 90;
```","{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",722674708,,,709590941,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDcwOTU5MDk0MQ==,9599,2020-10-15T21:07:47Z,2020-10-15T21:07:47Z,OWNER,On macOS I ran `brew install nginx`. I'm going to try running it on port 8000 so I don't have to run it as root.,"{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",722674708,,,709595960,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDcwOTU5NTk2MA==,9599,2020-10-15T21:18:14Z,2020-10-15T21:18:14Z,OWNER,Typing `nginx` starts it running as a daemon listening on port `http-alt` aka 8080. It uses the config file from ` /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`.,"{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",722674708,,,709597589,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDcwOTU5NzU4OQ==,9599,2020-10-15T21:21:53Z,2020-10-15T21:23:25Z,OWNER,"Here's a recipe for running nginx against a custom config file:
daemon off;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
access_log /dev/stdout;
error_log /dev/stderr;
types {
text/html html htm shtml;
text/css css;
image/gif gif;
image/jpeg jpeg jpg;
application/javascript js;
server {
listen 8002;
index index.html;
root app;
nginx -p `pwd` -c `pwd`/nginx.conf
","{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",722674708,,,709598324,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDcwOTU5ODMyNA==,9599,2020-10-15T21:23:33Z,2020-10-15T21:26:55Z,OWNER,"Combining these two examples, here's the config file I am going to use for this. I'll save this as `nginx.conf`:
daemon off;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
server {
listen 8000;
location /datasette {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
Then start the server with:
nginx -p `pwd` -c `pwd`/nginx.conf
And start Datasette like this:
datasette fixtures.db --config base_url:/datasette/
```","{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",722674708,,,709600335,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDcwOTYwMDMzNQ==,9599,2020-10-15T21:28:02Z,2020-10-15T22:25:43Z,OWNER,"This is working OK so far:
I'll try crawling it with `wget -r` to see if I get any errors.","{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",722674708,,,709622973,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDcwOTYyMjk3Mw==,9599,2020-10-15T22:27:31Z,2020-10-15T22:27:31Z,OWNER,"Here's how I tested it:
time wget -r 'http://localhost:8000/datasette/' 2>&1 | grep -i -C 5 ""failed\|error"" > /tmp/errors.txt
This wrote out any errors (plus context) to the `errors.txt` log - and reported that the full crawl took 33s.
Here's what I got in `errors.txt`:
0K . 71.6M=0s
2020-10-15 15:23:09 (71.6 MB/s) - ‘localhost:8000/datasette/index.html’ saved [1276]
Loading robots.txt; please ignore errors.
--2020-10-15 15:23:09-- http://localhost:8000/robots.txt
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
--2020-10-15 15:23:09-- http://localhost:8000/robots.txt
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2020-10-15 15:23:09 ERROR 404: Not Found.
--2020-10-15 15:23:09-- http://localhost:8000/datasette/-/static/app.css?b576be
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 8563 (8.4K) [text/css]
2020-10-15 15:23:13 (7.90 MB/s) - ‘localhost:8000/datasette/fixtures/primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label.json?_shape=object’ saved [58]
--2020-10-15 15:23:13-- http://localhost:8000/-/static-plugins/datasette_cluster_map/datasette-cluster-map.js
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2020-10-15 15:23:13 ERROR 404: Not Found.
--2020-10-15 15:23:13-- http://localhost:8000/datasette/fixtures?sql=select+pk%2C+name%2C+address%2C+latitude%2C+longitude+from+roadside_attractions+order+by+pk+limit+101
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
2020-10-15 15:23:13 (84.3 MB/s) - ‘localhost:8000/datasette/fixtures/roadside_attractions.json?_shape=object’ saved [619]
--2020-10-15 15:23:13-- http://localhost:8000/datasette/fixtures/%5C%22
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2020-10-15 15:23:13 ERROR 404: Not Found.
--2020-10-15 15:23:13-- http://localhost:8000/datasette/fixtures?sql=select+pk%2C+text1%2C+text2%2C+%5Bname+with+.+and+spaces%5D+from+searchable+order+by+pk+limit+101
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
2020-10-15 15:23:14 (28.6 MB/s) - ‘localhost:8000/datasette/fixtures/searchable_view_configured_by_metadata.json?_shape=array&_nl=on’ saved [180]
--2020-10-15 15:23:14-- http://localhost:8000/
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2020-10-15 15:23:14 ERROR 404: Not Found.
--2020-10-15 15:23:14-- http://localhost:8000/datasette/fixtures?sql=select+pk1%2C+pk2%2C+pk3%2C+content+from+compound_three_primary_keys+order+by+pk1%2C+pk2%2C+pk3+limit+101&_hide_sql=1
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
2020-10-15 15:23:21 (64.1 MB/s) - ‘localhost:8000/datasette/fixtures.csv?sql=select+pk,+name,+address,+latitude,+longitude+from+roadside_attractions+order+by+pk+limit+101&_size=max’ saved [403]
--2020-10-15 15:23:21-- http://localhost:8000/datasette/%5C%22
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2020-10-15 15:23:21 ERROR 404: Not Found.
--2020-10-15 15:23:21-- http://localhost:8000/datasette/fixtures?sql=select+pk%2C+name%2C+address%2C+latitude%2C+longitude+from+roadside_attractions+order+by+pk+desc+limit+101
Reusing existing connection to localhost:8000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
```","{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",722674708,,,709625063,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDcwOTYyNTA2Mw==,9599,2020-10-15T22:33:22Z,2020-10-15T22:33:22Z,OWNER,"Of those errors...
`http://localhost:8000/robots.txt` 404 is fine.
`http://localhost:8000/datasette/%5C%22` looks to me like a `wget` parsing bug where it got confused by this JavaScript:
window.DATASETTE_CLUSTER_MAP_TILE_LAYER_OPTIONS = {""maxZoom"": 19, ""detectRetina"": true, ""attribution"": ""© OpenStreetMap contributors""};
`http://localhost:8000/-/static-plugins/datasette_cluster_map/datasette-cluster-map.js` is a real bug. It's a bug in `datasette-cluster-map` but also requires me to solve #988 - mechanism for plugins to construct URLs that obey `base_url`.
I'm not sure why I'm getting a hit to `http://localhost:8000/` since I wouldn't expect to link to `/` anywhere.","{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",722674708,