{"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1696#issuecomment-1407767434", "issue_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/simonw/datasette/issues/1696", "id": 1407767434, "node_id": "IC_kwDOBm6k_c5T6NOK", "user": {"value": 193185, "label": "cldellow"}, "created_at": "2023-01-29T20:56:20Z", "updated_at": "2023-01-29T20:56:20Z", "author_association": "CONTRIBUTOR", "body": "I did some horrible things in https://github.com/cldellow/datasette-ui-extras/issues/2 to enable this in my plugin -- example here: https://dux-demo.fly.dev/cooking/posts?_facet=owner_user_id&owner_user_id=67\r\n\r\nThe implementation relies on two things:\r\n\r\n- a `filters_from_request` hook that adds a good human description (unfortunately, without the benefit of the CSS styling you mention)\r\n- doing something evil to hijack the `exact` and `not` operators in the `Filters` class. We can't leave them as is, or we'll get 2 human descriptions -- the built-in Datasette one and the one from my plugin. We can't remove them, or the filters UI will stop supporting the `=` and `!=` operators\r\n\r\nThis got me thinking: it'd be neat if the list of operators that the filters UI supported wasn't a closed set.\r\n\r\nA motivating example: adding a geospatial `NEAR` operator. Ideally it'd take two arguments - a target point and a radius, so you could express a filter like `find me all rows whose lat/lng are within 10km of 43.4516\u00b0 N, 80.4925\u00b0 W`. (Optionally, the UI could be enhanced if the geonames database was loaded and queried, so a user could say `find me all rows whose lat/lng are within 10km of Kitchener, ON`, and the city gets translated to a lat/lng for them)", "reactions": "{\"total_count\": 0, \"+1\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"laugh\": 0, \"hooray\": 0, \"confused\": 0, \"heart\": 0, \"rocket\": 0, \"eyes\": 0}", "issue": {"value": 1186696202, "label": "Show foreign key label when filtering"}, "performed_via_github_app": null} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/2008#issuecomment-1407716963", "issue_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/simonw/datasette/issues/2008", "id": 1407716963, "node_id": "IC_kwDOBm6k_c5T6A5j", "user": {"value": 193185, "label": "cldellow"}, "created_at": "2023-01-29T17:04:03Z", "updated_at": "2023-01-29T17:04:03Z", "author_association": "CONTRIBUTOR", "body": "Performance tests - I think most places don't have them as a formal gate enforced by CI. TypeScript and scalac seem to have tests that run to capture timings. The timings are included by a bot as a comment or build check, and also stored in a database so you can graph changes over time to spot regressions. Probably overkill for Datasette!\r\n\r\nWindow functions - oh, good point. Looks like Ubuntu shipped JSON1 support as far back as sqlite 3.11. I'll let this PR linger until there's a way to run against different SQLite versions. For now, I'm shipping this with `datasette-ui-extras`, since I think it's OK for a plugin to enforce a higher minimum requirement.\r\n\r\nTests - there actually did end up being test changes to capture the undercount bug of the current implementation, so the current implementation would fail against the new tests.\r\n\r\nPerhaps a non-window function version could be written that uses `random()` instead of `row_number() over ()` in order to get a unique key. It's technically not unique, but in practice, I imagine it'll work well.", "reactions": "{\"total_count\": 0, \"+1\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"laugh\": 0, \"hooray\": 0, \"confused\": 0, \"heart\": 0, \"rocket\": 0, \"eyes\": 0}", "issue": {"value": 1560982210, "label": "array facet: don't materialize unnecessary columns"}, "performed_via_github_app": null} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/2008#issuecomment-1407561308", "issue_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/simonw/datasette/issues/2008", "id": 1407561308, "node_id": "IC_kwDOBm6k_c5T5a5c", "user": {"value": 193185, "label": "cldellow"}, "created_at": "2023-01-29T04:50:50Z", "updated_at": "2023-01-29T04:50:50Z", "author_association": "CONTRIBUTOR", "body": "I pushed a revised version which ends up being faster -- the example which currently takes 4 seconds now runs in 500ms.", "reactions": "{\"total_count\": 0, \"+1\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"laugh\": 0, \"hooray\": 0, \"confused\": 0, \"heart\": 0, \"rocket\": 0, \"eyes\": 0}", "issue": {"value": 1560982210, "label": "array facet: don't materialize unnecessary columns"}, "performed_via_github_app": null} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/2008#issuecomment-1407558284", "issue_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/simonw/datasette/issues/2008", "id": 1407558284, "node_id": "IC_kwDOBm6k_c5T5aKM", "user": {"value": 193185, "label": "cldellow"}, "created_at": "2023-01-29T04:23:58Z", "updated_at": "2023-01-29T04:24:27Z", "author_association": "CONTRIBUTOR", "body": "Ack, this PR is broken. I see now that the `inner.*` is necessary for ensuring the correct count in the face of rows having duplicate values in views.\r\n\r\nThat fixes the overcounting, but I think can undercount when the rows have the same data, eg a view like:\r\n\r\n```sql\r\nSELECT '[\"bar\"]' tags UNION ALL SELECT '[\"bar\"]'\r\n```\r\n\r\nwill produce a count of `{\"bar\": 1 }`, when it should be `{\"bar\": 2}`. In fact, this could apply in tables without primary keys, too.\r\n\r\nIf `inner` came from a base table that had a primary key or a rowid, we could use those column(s) to solve that case.\r\n\r\nI guess a general solution would be to compute a window function so we have a distinct ID for each row. Will fiddle to see if I can get that working.", "reactions": "{\"total_count\": 0, \"+1\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"laugh\": 0, \"hooray\": 0, \"confused\": 0, \"heart\": 0, \"rocket\": 0, \"eyes\": 0}", "issue": {"value": 1560982210, "label": "array facet: don't materialize unnecessary columns"}, "performed_via_github_app": null} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1973#issuecomment-1407523547", "issue_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/simonw/datasette/issues/1973", "id": 1407523547, "node_id": "IC_kwDOBm6k_c5T5Rrb", "user": {"value": 193185, "label": "cldellow"}, "created_at": "2023-01-29T00:40:31Z", "updated_at": "2023-01-29T00:40:31Z", "author_association": "CONTRIBUTOR", "body": "A +1 for switching to `CustomRow`: I think you currently only get a `CustomRow` if the result set had a column that was an fkey ([this code](https://github.com/simonw/datasette/blob/3c352b7132ef09b829abb69a0da0ad00be5edef9/datasette/views/table.py#L667-L682))\r\n\r\nOtherwise you get vanilla `sqlite3.Row`s, which will fail if you try to access `.columns` or lookup the cell by name, which surprised me recently", "reactions": "{\"total_count\": 0, \"+1\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"laugh\": 0, \"hooray\": 0, \"confused\": 0, \"heart\": 0, \"rocket\": 0, \"eyes\": 0}", "issue": {"value": 1515815014, "label": "render_cell plugin hook's row object is not a sqlite.Row"}, "performed_via_github_app": null}