{"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/585#issuecomment-541052329", "issue_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/simonw/datasette/issues/585", "id": 541052329, "node_id": "MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDU0MTA1MjMyOQ==", "user": {"value": 2657547, "label": "rixx"}, "created_at": "2019-10-11T12:53:51Z", "updated_at": "2019-10-11T12:53:51Z", "author_association": "CONTRIBUTOR", "body": "I think this would be good, yeah \u2013 currently, databases are explicitly sorted by name in the IndexView, we could just remove that part (and use an `OrderedDict` for consistency, I suppose)?", "reactions": "{\"total_count\": 0, \"+1\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"laugh\": 0, \"hooray\": 0, \"confused\": 0, \"heart\": 0, \"rocket\": 0, \"eyes\": 0}", "issue": {"value": 503217375, "label": "Databases on index page should display in order they were passed to \"datasette serve\"?"}, "performed_via_github_app": null} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/507#issuecomment-541118904", "issue_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/simonw/datasette/issues/507", "id": 541118904, "node_id": "MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDU0MTExODkwNA==", "user": {"value": 2657547, "label": "rixx"}, "created_at": "2019-10-11T15:48:49Z", "updated_at": "2019-10-11T15:48:49Z", "author_association": "CONTRIBUTOR", "body": "Headless Chrome and Firefox via Selenium are a solid choice in my experience. You may be interested in how pretix and pretalx solve this problem: They use pytest to create those screenshots on release to make sure they are up to date. See [this writeup](https://behind.pretix.eu/2018/11/15/automated-screenshots/) and [this repo](https://github.com/pretix/pretix-screenshots).", "reactions": "{\"total_count\": 0, \"+1\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"laugh\": 0, \"hooray\": 0, \"confused\": 0, \"heart\": 0, \"rocket\": 0, \"eyes\": 0}", "issue": {"value": 455852801, "label": "Every datasette plugin on the ecosystem page should have a screenshot"}, "performed_via_github_app": null} {"html_url": "https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/512#issuecomment-541119038", "issue_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/simonw/datasette/issues/512", "id": 541119038, "node_id": "MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDU0MTExOTAzOA==", "user": {"value": 2657547, "label": "rixx"}, "created_at": "2019-10-11T15:49:13Z", "updated_at": "2019-10-11T15:49:13Z", "author_association": "CONTRIBUTOR", "body": "How open are you to changing the config variable names (with appropriate deprecation, of course)? `\"about_url_text\", \"license_url_text\"` etc might be better suited to convey that these are just meant as basically URL titles.", "reactions": "{\"total_count\": 0, \"+1\": 0, \"-1\": 0, \"laugh\": 0, \"hooray\": 0, \"confused\": 0, \"heart\": 0, \"rocket\": 0, \"eyes\": 0}", "issue": {"value": 457147936, "label": "\"about\" parameter in metadata does not appear when alone"}, "performed_via_github_app": null}