issue_comments: 1316401895
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html_url | issue_url | id | node_id | user | created_at | updated_at | author_association | body | reactions | issue | performed_via_github_app |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | 1316401895 | IC_kwDOBm6k_c5OdrLn | 9599 | 2022-11-16T05:50:40Z | 2022-11-16T05:50:40Z | OWNER | So I think our dialect (at least to start with) should be: ``` keywords: "and as asc between by case cast current current_date current_time current_timestamp desc distinct each else escape except exists explain filter first for from full generated group having if in index inner intersect into isnull join last left like limit not null or order outer over pragma primary query raise range regexp right rollback row select set table temp temporary then to union unique using values view virtual when where", // types: "null integer real text blob", builtin: "" ``` I left `builtin` blank here because I don't think we need any of those things at all. | {"total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0} | 1450363982 |