issue_comments: 546723302
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html_url | issue_url | id | node_id | user | created_at | updated_at | author_association | body | reactions | issue | performed_via_github_app |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | 546723302 | MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDU0NjcyMzMwMg== | 8431341 | 2019-10-27T18:59:55Z | 2019-10-27T19:00:48Z | NONE | Ultimately, I'm needing to serve searches like this to multiple users (at times concurrently). Given the size of the database I'm working with, can anyone comment as to whether I should be storing this in something like MySQL or Postgres rather than SQLite. I know there's been much [defense of sqlite being performant]( but I wonder if those arguments break down as the database size increases. For example, if I scroll to the bottom of that linked page, where it says **Checklist For Choosing The Right Database Engine**, here's how I answer those questions: - Is the data separated from the application by a network? → choose client/server __Yes__ - Many concurrent writers? → choose client/server __Not exactly. I may have many concurrent readers but almost no concurrent writers.__ - Big data? → choose client/server __No, my database is less than 40 gb and wont approach a terabyte in the next decade.__ So is sqlite still a good idea here? | {"total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0} | 512996469 |