issue_comments: 601875405
This data as json
html_url | issue_url | id | node_id | user | created_at | updated_at | author_association | body | reactions | issue | performed_via_github_app |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | 601875405 | MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDYwMTg3NTQwNQ== | 9599 | 2020-03-20T19:30:09Z | 2020-03-20T19:32:33Z | MEMBER | I'm going to redesign the command a little. Right now it defaults to fetching the authenticated user's timeline and allows `--screen_name` to be used to fetch for one other user instead. I think the design of `users-lookup` is much better. I'm going to copy that: ``` twitter-to-sqlite user-timeline users.db simonw cleopaws twitter-to-sqlite user-timeline users.db 12497 3166449535 --ids ``` It will also accept `--since` and `--sql` and `--alter` and `--since_id`. | {"total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0} | 585282212 |