id,node_id,number,title,user,state,locked,assignee,milestone,comments,created_at,updated_at,closed_at,author_association,pull_request,body,repo,type,active_lock_reason,performed_via_github_app,reactions,draft,state_reason 328171513,MDU6SXNzdWUzMjgxNzE1MTM=,302,test-2.3.sqlite database filename throws a 404,9599,closed,0,,3439337,2,2018-05-31T14:50:58Z,2018-06-21T15:21:17Z,2018-06-21T15:21:16Z,OWNER,,"The following almost works: datasette test-2.3.sqlite loads OK, but throws a 404: ![2018-05-31 at 7 50 am]( ",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 331343824,MDU6SXNzdWUzMzEzNDM4MjQ=,309,On 404s with a trailing slash redirect to that page without a trailing slash,9599,closed,0,,3439337,2,2018-06-11T20:46:49Z,2018-06-21T15:22:02Z,2018-06-21T15:13:15Z,OWNER,,,107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 333096176,MDU6SXNzdWUzMzMwOTYxNzY=,314,HTML table does not correctly display entirely blank rows,9599,closed,0,,3439337,1,2018-06-17T21:58:06Z,2018-06-21T16:04:59Z,2018-06-21T15:26:26Z,OWNER,," ![2018-06-17 at 2 56 pm]( shows the underlying data: ``` ""rows"": [ [ ""hello"", ""HELLO"" ], [ ""world"", ""WORLD"" ], [ """", """" ] ] ```",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 333326107,MDU6SXNzdWUzMzMzMjYxMDc=,317,Travis CI fails to upload new releases to PyPI,9599,closed,0,,3439337,2,2018-06-18T15:44:26Z,2018-06-21T15:45:47Z,2018-06-21T15:45:47Z,OWNER,," ``` ... removing build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel Uploading distributions to Uploading datasette-0.23-py3-none-any.whl 100%|██████████| 201k/201k [00:00<00:00, 1.02MB/s] HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Invalid or non-existent authentication information. for url: ```",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 334148669,MDU6SXNzdWUzMzQxNDg2Njk=,318,Facets with value of 0 displayed incorrectly,9599,closed,0,,3439337,1,2018-06-20T16:06:46Z,2019-05-29T21:39:12Z,2018-06-21T04:30:45Z,OWNER,," ![2018-06-20 at 9 05 am]( Displays correctly if you select it: ![2018-06-20 at 9 06 am]( ",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 334149717,MDU6SXNzdWUzMzQxNDk3MTc=,319,Incorrect display of compound primary keys with foreign key relationships,9599,closed,0,,3439337,2,2018-06-20T16:09:36Z,2018-06-21T15:58:15Z,2018-06-21T14:56:41Z,OWNER,," ![2018-06-20 at 9 07 am]( Underlying JSON looks [like this]( ``` { ""database"": ""registry"", ""table"": ""datasette_tags"", ""is_view"": false, ""human_description_en"": """", ""rows"": [ { ""datasette_id"": { ""value"": 1, ""label"": ""Global Power Plant Database"" }, ""tag"": { ""value"": ""geospatial"", ""label"": ""geospatial"" } }, ```` Bug is likely somewhere in here:",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 334190959,MDU6SXNzdWUzMzQxOTA5NTk=,321,Wildcard support in query parameters,12617395,closed,0,,3439337,8,2018-06-20T18:03:56Z,2018-06-21T17:00:10Z,2018-06-21T04:55:26Z,NONE,,"I haven't found a way to get the wildcard (%) inserted automatically in to a query parameter. This would be useful for cases the query parameter is followed by a LIKE clause. Wrapping the parameter name using the wildcard character within the metadata file (ie - ...where xyz like %:querystring%) does not seem to work. Can this be made possible? Or if not, can the template be extended to provide a tip to the user that they need to insert the wildcard characters themselves?",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed