{"id": 153201945, "node_id": "MDExOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0MTUzMjAxOTQ1", "number": 114, "state": "closed", "locked": 0, "title": "Add spatialite, switch to debian and local build", "user": {"value": 54999, "label": "ingenieroariel"}, "body": "Improves the Dockerfile to support spatial datasets, work with the local datasette code (Friendly with git tags and Dockerhub) and moves to slim debian, a small image easy to extend via apt packages for sqlite.", "created_at": "2017-11-17T02:37:09Z", "updated_at": "2017-11-17T03:50:52Z", "closed_at": "2017-11-17T03:50:52Z", "merged_at": "2017-11-17T03:50:52Z", "merge_commit_sha": "8b4c600d98b85655b3a1454ebf64f858b5fe54c8", "assignee": null, "milestone": null, "draft": 0, "head": "6c6b63d890529eeefcefb7ab126ea3bd7b2315c1", "base": "b7c4165346ee8b6a6fbd72d6ba2275a24a8a8ae3", "author_association": "CONTRIBUTOR", "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "url": "https://github.com/simonw/datasette/pull/114", "merged_by": null, "auto_merge": null}