type Query { """Rows from the users table""" users( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [usersFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: usersSort sort_desc: usersSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): usersCollection """Single row from the users table""" users_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [usersFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: usersSort sort_desc: usersSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String id: Int ): users """Rows from the repos table""" repos( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [reposFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: reposSort sort_desc: reposSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): reposCollection """Single row from the repos table""" repos_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [reposFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: reposSort sort_desc: reposSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String id: Int ): repos """Rows from the licenses table""" licenses( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [licensesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: licensesSort sort_desc: licensesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): licensesCollection """Single row from the licenses table""" licenses_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [licensesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: licensesSort sort_desc: licensesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String key: String ): licenses """Rows from the raw_authors table""" raw_authors( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [raw_authorsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: raw_authorsSort sort_desc: raw_authorsSortDesc ): raw_authorsCollection """Single row from the raw_authors table""" raw_authors_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [raw_authorsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: raw_authorsSort sort_desc: raw_authorsSortDesc id: String ): raw_authors """Rows from the commits table""" commits( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [commitsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: commitsSort sort_desc: commitsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): commitsCollection """Single row from the commits table""" commits_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [commitsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: commitsSort sort_desc: commitsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String sha: String ): commits """Rows from the milestones table""" milestones( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [milestonesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: milestonesSort sort_desc: milestonesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): milestonesCollection """Single row from the milestones table""" milestones_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [milestonesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: milestonesSort sort_desc: milestonesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String id: Int ): milestones """Rows from the contributors table""" contributors( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [contributorsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: contributorsSort sort_desc: contributorsSortDesc ): contributorsCollection """Single row from the contributors table""" contributors_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [contributorsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: contributorsSort sort_desc: contributorsSortDesc repo_id: Int user_id: Int ): contributors """Rows from the issues table""" issues( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issuesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issuesSort sort_desc: issuesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): issuesCollection """Single row from the issues table""" issues_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issuesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issuesSort sort_desc: issuesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String id: Int ): issues """Rows from the releases table""" releases( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [releasesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: releasesSort sort_desc: releasesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): releasesCollection """Single row from the releases table""" releases_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [releasesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: releasesSort sort_desc: releasesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String id: Int ): releases """Rows from the labels table""" labels( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [labelsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: labelsSort sort_desc: labelsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): labelsCollection """Single row from the labels table""" labels_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [labelsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: labelsSort sort_desc: labelsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String id: Int ): labels """Rows from the issues_labels table""" issues_labels( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issues_labelsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issues_labelsSort sort_desc: issues_labelsSortDesc ): issues_labelsCollection """Single row from the issues_labels table""" issues_labels_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issues_labelsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issues_labelsSort sort_desc: issues_labelsSortDesc labels_id: Int issues_id: Int ): issues_labels """Rows from the issue_comments table""" issue_comments( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issue_commentsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issue_commentsSort sort_desc: issue_commentsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): issue_commentsCollection """Single row from the issue_comments table""" issue_comments_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issue_commentsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issue_commentsSort sort_desc: issue_commentsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String id: Int ): issue_comments """Rows from the dependents table""" dependents( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [dependentsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: dependentsSort sort_desc: dependentsSortDesc ): dependentsCollection """Single row from the dependents table""" dependents_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [dependentsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: dependentsSort sort_desc: dependentsSortDesc repo: Int dependent: Int ): dependents """Rows from the stars table""" stars( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [starsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: starsSort sort_desc: starsSortDesc ): starsCollection """Single row from the stars table""" stars_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [starsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: starsSort sort_desc: starsSortDesc user: Int repo: Int ): stars """Rows from the tags table""" tags( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [tagsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: tagsSort sort_desc: tagsSortDesc ): tagsCollection """Single row from the tags table""" tags_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [tagsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: tagsSort sort_desc: tagsSortDesc repo: Int name: String ): tags """Rows from the emojis table""" emojis( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [emojisFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: emojisSort sort_desc: emojisSortDesc ): emojisCollection """Single row from the emojis table""" emojis_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [emojisFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: emojisSort sort_desc: emojisSortDesc name: String ): emojis """Rows from the workflows table""" workflows( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [workflowsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: workflowsSort sort_desc: workflowsSortDesc ): workflowsCollection """Single row from the workflows table""" workflows_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [workflowsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: workflowsSort sort_desc: workflowsSortDesc id: Int ): workflows """Rows from the jobs table""" jobs( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [jobsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: jobsSort sort_desc: jobsSortDesc ): jobsCollection """Single row from the jobs table""" jobs_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [jobsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: jobsSort sort_desc: jobsSortDesc id: Int ): jobs """Rows from the steps table""" steps( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [stepsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: stepsSort sort_desc: stepsSortDesc ): stepsCollection """Single row from the steps table""" steps_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [stepsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: stepsSort sort_desc: stepsSortDesc id: Int ): steps """Rows from the pull_requests table""" pull_requests( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: pull_requestsSort sort_desc: pull_requestsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): pull_requestsCollection """Single row from the pull_requests table""" pull_requests_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: pull_requestsSort sort_desc: pull_requestsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String id: Int ): pull_requests """Rows from the labels_pull_requests table""" labels_pull_requests( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [labels_pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: labels_pull_requestsSort sort_desc: labels_pull_requestsSortDesc ): labels_pull_requestsCollection """Single row from the labels_pull_requests table""" labels_pull_requests_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [labels_pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: labels_pull_requestsSort sort_desc: labels_pull_requestsSortDesc labels_id: Int pull_requests_id: Int ): labels_pull_requests """Rows from the _analyze_tables_ table""" t_analyze_tables_( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [t_analyze_tables_Filter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: t_analyze_tables_Sort sort_desc: t_analyze_tables_SortDesc ): t_analyze_tables_Collection """Single row from the _analyze_tables_ table""" t_analyze_tables__row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [t_analyze_tables_Filter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: t_analyze_tables_Sort sort_desc: t_analyze_tables_SortDesc table: String column: String ): t_analyze_tables_ """Rows from the assets table""" assets( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [assetsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: assetsSort sort_desc: assetsSortDesc ): assetsCollection """Single row from the assets table""" assets_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [assetsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: assetsSort sort_desc: assetsSortDesc id: Int ): assets """Rows from the dependent_repos view""" dependent_repos( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [dependent_reposFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: dependent_reposSort sort_desc: dependent_reposSortDesc ): dependent_reposCollection """Single row from the dependent_repos view""" dependent_repos_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [dependent_reposFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: dependent_reposSort sort_desc: dependent_reposSortDesc ): dependent_repos """Rows from the recent_releases view""" recent_releases( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [recent_releasesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: recent_releasesSort sort_desc: recent_releasesSortDesc ): recent_releasesCollection """Single row from the recent_releases view""" recent_releases_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [recent_releasesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: recent_releasesSort sort_desc: recent_releasesSortDesc ): recent_releases """Rows from the repos_starred view""" repos_starred( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [repos_starredFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: repos_starredSort sort_desc: repos_starredSortDesc ): repos_starredCollection """Single row from the repos_starred view""" repos_starred_row( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [repos_starredFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: repos_starredSort sort_desc: repos_starredSortDesc ): repos_starred } type usersCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [users] edges: [usersEdge] } type PageInfo { endCursor: String hasNextPage: Boolean } type users { login: String node_id: String avatar_url: String gravatar_id: String html_url: String type: String name: String id: Int site_admin: Int """Related rows from the repos table (by organization)""" repos_by_organization_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [reposFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: reposSort sort_desc: reposSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): reposCollection """Related rows from the repos table (by owner)""" repos_by_owner_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [reposFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: reposSort sort_desc: reposSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): reposCollection """Related rows from the commits table (by committer)""" commits_by_committer_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [commitsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: commitsSort sort_desc: commitsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): commitsCollection """Related rows from the commits table (by author)""" commits_by_author_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [commitsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: commitsSort sort_desc: commitsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): commitsCollection """Related rows from the milestones table""" milestones_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [milestonesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: milestonesSort sort_desc: milestonesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): milestonesCollection """Related rows from the contributors table""" contributors_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [contributorsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: contributorsSort sort_desc: contributorsSortDesc ): contributorsCollection """Related rows from the issues table (by assignee)""" issues_by_assignee_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issuesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issuesSort sort_desc: issuesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): issuesCollection """Related rows from the issues table (by user)""" issues_by_user_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issuesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issuesSort sort_desc: issuesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): issuesCollection """Related rows from the releases table""" releases_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [releasesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: releasesSort sort_desc: releasesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): releasesCollection """Related rows from the issue_comments table""" issue_comments_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issue_commentsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issue_commentsSort sort_desc: issue_commentsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): issue_commentsCollection """Related rows from the stars table""" stars_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [starsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: starsSort sort_desc: starsSortDesc ): starsCollection """Related rows from the pull_requests table (by merged_by)""" pull_requests_by_merged_by_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: pull_requestsSort sort_desc: pull_requestsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): pull_requestsCollection """Related rows from the pull_requests table (by assignee)""" pull_requests_by_assignee_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: pull_requestsSort sort_desc: pull_requestsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): pull_requestsCollection """Related rows from the pull_requests table (by user)""" pull_requests_by_user_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: pull_requestsSort sort_desc: pull_requestsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): pull_requestsCollection """Related rows from the assets table""" assets_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [assetsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: assetsSort sort_desc: assetsSortDesc ): assetsCollection } type reposCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [repos] edges: [reposEdge] } type repos { node_id: String name: String full_name: String html_url: String description_: String created_at: String updated_at: String pushed_at: String homepage: String language: String topics: String default_branch: String permissions: String temp_clone_token: String parent: String source: String visibility: String template_repository: String squash_merge_commit_message: String squash_merge_commit_title: String merge_commit_message: String merge_commit_title: String security_and_analysis: String id: Int private: Int fork: Int size: Int stargazers_count: Int watchers_count: Int has_issues: Int has_projects: Int has_downloads: Int has_wiki: Int has_pages: Int forks_count: Int archived: Int disabled: Int open_issues_count: Int forks: Int open_issues: Int watchers: Int allow_squash_merge: Int allow_merge_commit: Int allow_rebase_merge: Int delete_branch_on_merge: Int network_count: Int subscribers_count: Int allow_auto_merge: Int allow_forking: Int is_template: Int allow_update_branch: Int use_squash_pr_title_as_default: Int web_commit_signoff_required: Int has_discussions: Int owner: users license: licenses organization: users """Related rows from the commits table""" commits_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [commitsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: commitsSort sort_desc: commitsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): commitsCollection """Related rows from the milestones table""" milestones_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [milestonesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: milestonesSort sort_desc: milestonesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): milestonesCollection """Related rows from the contributors table""" contributors_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [contributorsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: contributorsSort sort_desc: contributorsSortDesc ): contributorsCollection """Related rows from the issues table""" issues_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issuesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issuesSort sort_desc: issuesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): issuesCollection """Related rows from the releases table""" releases_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [releasesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: releasesSort sort_desc: releasesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): releasesCollection """Related rows from the dependents table (by dependent)""" dependents_by_dependent_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [dependentsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: dependentsSort sort_desc: dependentsSortDesc ): dependentsCollection """Related rows from the dependents table (by repo)""" dependents_by_repo_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [dependentsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: dependentsSort sort_desc: dependentsSortDesc ): dependentsCollection """Related rows from the stars table""" stars_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [starsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: starsSort sort_desc: starsSortDesc ): starsCollection """Related rows from the tags table""" tags_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [tagsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: tagsSort sort_desc: tagsSortDesc ): tagsCollection """Related rows from the workflows table""" workflows_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [workflowsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: workflowsSort sort_desc: workflowsSortDesc ): workflowsCollection """Related rows from the jobs table""" jobs_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [jobsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: jobsSort sort_desc: jobsSortDesc ): jobsCollection """Related rows from the steps table""" steps_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [stepsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: stepsSort sort_desc: stepsSortDesc ): stepsCollection """Related rows from the pull_requests table""" pull_requests_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: pull_requestsSort sort_desc: pull_requestsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): pull_requestsCollection } type licenses { key: String name: String spdx_id: String url: String node_id: String """Related rows from the repos table""" repos_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [reposFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: reposSort sort_desc: reposSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): reposCollection } input reposFilter { id: IntegerOperations node_id: StringOperations name: StringOperations full_name: StringOperations private: IntegerOperations owner: IntegerOperations html_url: StringOperations description_: StringOperations fork: IntegerOperations created_at: StringOperations updated_at: StringOperations pushed_at: StringOperations homepage: StringOperations size: IntegerOperations stargazers_count: IntegerOperations watchers_count: IntegerOperations language: StringOperations has_issues: IntegerOperations has_projects: IntegerOperations has_downloads: IntegerOperations has_wiki: IntegerOperations has_pages: IntegerOperations forks_count: IntegerOperations archived: IntegerOperations disabled: IntegerOperations open_issues_count: IntegerOperations license: StringOperations topics: StringOperations forks: IntegerOperations open_issues: IntegerOperations watchers: IntegerOperations default_branch: StringOperations permissions: StringOperations organization: IntegerOperations temp_clone_token: StringOperations allow_squash_merge: IntegerOperations allow_merge_commit: IntegerOperations allow_rebase_merge: IntegerOperations delete_branch_on_merge: IntegerOperations network_count: IntegerOperations subscribers_count: IntegerOperations parent: StringOperations source: StringOperations allow_auto_merge: IntegerOperations allow_forking: IntegerOperations visibility: StringOperations is_template: IntegerOperations template_repository: StringOperations allow_update_branch: IntegerOperations use_squash_pr_title_as_default: IntegerOperations web_commit_signoff_required: IntegerOperations squash_merge_commit_message: StringOperations squash_merge_commit_title: StringOperations merge_commit_message: StringOperations merge_commit_title: StringOperations has_discussions: IntegerOperations security_and_analysis: StringOperations } input IntegerOperations { """Exact match""" eq: Int """Not exact match""" not: Int """is greater than""" gt: Int """is greater than or equal to""" gte: Int """is less than""" lt: Int """is less than or equal to""" lte: Int """in this list""" in: [Int] """not in this list""" notin: [Int] """JSON array contains this value""" arraycontains: Int """Value is null""" isnull: Boolean """Value is not null""" notnull: Boolean """Value is null or blank""" isblank: Boolean """Value is not null or blank""" notblank: Boolean } input StringOperations { """Exact match""" eq: String """Not exact match""" not: String """String contains""" contains: String """String ends with""" endswith: String """String starts with""" startswith: String """is greater than""" gt: String """is greater than or equal to""" gte: String """is less than""" lt: String """is less than or equal to""" lte: String """is like (% for wildcards)""" like: String """is not like""" notlike: String """glob matches (* for wildcards)""" glob: String """in this list""" in: [String] """not in this list""" notin: [String] """JSON array contains this value""" arraycontains: String """Value is a datetime on this date""" date: String """Value is null""" isnull: Boolean """Value is not null""" notnull: Boolean """Value is null or blank""" isblank: Boolean """Value is not null or blank""" notblank: Boolean } """Sort by this column""" enum reposSort { id node_id name full_name private owner html_url description_ fork created_at updated_at pushed_at homepage size stargazers_count watchers_count language has_issues has_projects has_downloads has_wiki has_pages forks_count archived disabled open_issues_count license topics forks open_issues watchers default_branch permissions organization temp_clone_token allow_squash_merge allow_merge_commit allow_rebase_merge delete_branch_on_merge network_count subscribers_count parent source allow_auto_merge allow_forking visibility is_template template_repository allow_update_branch use_squash_pr_title_as_default web_commit_signoff_required squash_merge_commit_message squash_merge_commit_title merge_commit_message merge_commit_title has_discussions security_and_analysis } """Sort by this column descending""" enum reposSortDesc { id node_id name full_name private owner html_url description_ fork created_at updated_at pushed_at homepage size stargazers_count watchers_count language has_issues has_projects has_downloads has_wiki has_pages forks_count archived disabled open_issues_count license topics forks open_issues watchers default_branch permissions organization temp_clone_token allow_squash_merge allow_merge_commit allow_rebase_merge delete_branch_on_merge network_count subscribers_count parent source allow_auto_merge allow_forking visibility is_template template_repository allow_update_branch use_squash_pr_title_as_default web_commit_signoff_required squash_merge_commit_message squash_merge_commit_title merge_commit_message merge_commit_title has_discussions security_and_analysis } type commitsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [commits] edges: [commitsEdge] } type commits { sha: String message: String author_date: String committer_date: String raw_author: raw_authors raw_committer: raw_authors repo: repos author: users committer: users } type raw_authors { id: String name: String email: String """Related rows from the commits table (by raw_committer)""" commits_by_raw_committer_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [commitsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: commitsSort sort_desc: commitsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): commitsCollection """Related rows from the commits table (by raw_author)""" commits_by_raw_author_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [commitsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: commitsSort sort_desc: commitsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): commitsCollection } input commitsFilter { sha: StringOperations message: StringOperations author_date: StringOperations committer_date: StringOperations raw_author: StringOperations raw_committer: StringOperations repo: IntegerOperations author: IntegerOperations committer: IntegerOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum commitsSort { sha message author_date committer_date raw_author raw_committer repo author committer } """Sort by this column descending""" enum commitsSortDesc { sha message author_date committer_date raw_author raw_committer repo author committer } type commitsEdge { cursor: String node: commits } type milestonesCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [milestones] edges: [milestonesEdge] } type milestones { title: String description_: String html_url: String node_id: String state: String created_at: String updated_at: String due_on: String closed_at: String id: Int number: Int open_issues: Int closed_issues: Int creator: users repo: repos """Related rows from the issues table""" issues_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issuesFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issuesSort sort_desc: issuesSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): issuesCollection """Related rows from the pull_requests table""" pull_requests_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: pull_requestsSort sort_desc: pull_requestsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): pull_requestsCollection } type issuesCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [issues] edges: [issuesEdge] } type issues { node_id: String title: String state: String created_at: String updated_at: String closed_at: String author_association: String pull_request: String body: String type: String active_lock_reason: String performed_via_github_app: String reactions: String state_reason: String id: Int number: Int locked: Int comments: Int draft: Int user: users assignee: users milestone: milestones repo: repos """Related rows from the issues_labels table""" issues_labels_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issues_labelsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issues_labelsSort sort_desc: issues_labelsSortDesc ): issues_labelsCollection """Related rows from the issue_comments table""" issue_comments_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issue_commentsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issue_commentsSort sort_desc: issue_commentsSortDesc """Search for this term""" search: String ): issue_commentsCollection } type issues_labelsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [issues_labels] edges: [issues_labelsEdge] } type issues_labels { labels_id: labels issues_id: issues } type labels { node_id: String url: String name: String color: String description_: String id: Int default: Int """Related rows from the issues_labels table""" issues_labels_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [issues_labelsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: issues_labelsSort sort_desc: issues_labelsSortDesc ): issues_labelsCollection """Related rows from the labels_pull_requests table""" labels_pull_requests_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [labels_pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: labels_pull_requestsSort sort_desc: labels_pull_requestsSortDesc ): labels_pull_requestsCollection } input issues_labelsFilter { labels_id: IntegerOperations issues_id: IntegerOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum issues_labelsSort { labels_id issues_id } """Sort by this column descending""" enum issues_labelsSortDesc { labels_id issues_id } type labels_pull_requestsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [labels_pull_requests] edges: [labels_pull_requestsEdge] } type labels_pull_requests { labels_id: labels pull_requests_id: pull_requests } type pull_requests { node_id: String state: String title: String body: String created_at: String updated_at: String closed_at: String merged_at: String merge_commit_sha: String head: String base: String author_association: String url: String auto_merge: String id: Int number: Int locked: Int draft: Int user: users assignee: users milestone: milestones repo: repos merged_by: users """Related rows from the labels_pull_requests table""" labels_pull_requests_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [labels_pull_requestsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: labels_pull_requestsSort sort_desc: labels_pull_requestsSortDesc ): labels_pull_requestsCollection } input labels_pull_requestsFilter { labels_id: IntegerOperations pull_requests_id: IntegerOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum labels_pull_requestsSort { labels_id pull_requests_id } """Sort by this column descending""" enum labels_pull_requestsSortDesc { labels_id pull_requests_id } type labels_pull_requestsEdge { cursor: String node: labels_pull_requests } type issues_labelsEdge { cursor: String node: issues_labels } type issue_commentsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [issue_comments] edges: [issue_commentsEdge] } type issue_comments { html_url: String issue_url: String node_id: String created_at: String updated_at: String author_association: String body: String reactions: String performed_via_github_app: String id: Int user: users issue: issues } type issue_commentsEdge { cursor: String node: issue_comments } input issue_commentsFilter { html_url: StringOperations issue_url: StringOperations id: IntegerOperations node_id: StringOperations user: IntegerOperations created_at: StringOperations updated_at: StringOperations author_association: StringOperations body: StringOperations reactions: StringOperations issue: IntegerOperations performed_via_github_app: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum issue_commentsSort { html_url issue_url id node_id user created_at updated_at author_association body reactions issue performed_via_github_app } """Sort by this column descending""" enum issue_commentsSortDesc { html_url issue_url id node_id user created_at updated_at author_association body reactions issue performed_via_github_app } type issuesEdge { cursor: String node: issues } input issuesFilter { id: IntegerOperations node_id: StringOperations number: IntegerOperations title: StringOperations user: IntegerOperations state: StringOperations locked: IntegerOperations assignee: IntegerOperations milestone: IntegerOperations comments: IntegerOperations created_at: StringOperations updated_at: StringOperations closed_at: StringOperations author_association: StringOperations pull_request: StringOperations body: StringOperations repo: IntegerOperations type: StringOperations active_lock_reason: StringOperations performed_via_github_app: StringOperations reactions: StringOperations draft: IntegerOperations state_reason: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum issuesSort { id node_id number title user state locked assignee milestone comments created_at updated_at closed_at author_association pull_request body repo type active_lock_reason performed_via_github_app reactions draft state_reason } """Sort by this column descending""" enum issuesSortDesc { id node_id number title user state locked assignee milestone comments created_at updated_at closed_at author_association pull_request body repo type active_lock_reason performed_via_github_app reactions draft state_reason } type pull_requestsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [pull_requests] edges: [pull_requestsEdge] } type pull_requestsEdge { cursor: String node: pull_requests } input pull_requestsFilter { id: IntegerOperations node_id: StringOperations number: IntegerOperations state: StringOperations locked: IntegerOperations title: StringOperations user: IntegerOperations body: StringOperations created_at: StringOperations updated_at: StringOperations closed_at: StringOperations merged_at: StringOperations merge_commit_sha: StringOperations assignee: IntegerOperations milestone: IntegerOperations draft: IntegerOperations head: StringOperations base: StringOperations author_association: StringOperations repo: IntegerOperations url: StringOperations merged_by: IntegerOperations auto_merge: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum pull_requestsSort { id node_id number state locked title user body created_at updated_at closed_at merged_at merge_commit_sha assignee milestone draft head base author_association repo url merged_by auto_merge } """Sort by this column descending""" enum pull_requestsSortDesc { id node_id number state locked title user body created_at updated_at closed_at merged_at merge_commit_sha assignee milestone draft head base author_association repo url merged_by auto_merge } type milestonesEdge { cursor: String node: milestones } input milestonesFilter { id: IntegerOperations title: StringOperations description_: StringOperations creator: IntegerOperations repo: IntegerOperations html_url: StringOperations node_id: StringOperations number: IntegerOperations open_issues: IntegerOperations closed_issues: IntegerOperations state: StringOperations created_at: StringOperations updated_at: StringOperations due_on: StringOperations closed_at: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum milestonesSort { id title description_ creator repo html_url node_id number open_issues closed_issues state created_at updated_at due_on closed_at } """Sort by this column descending""" enum milestonesSortDesc { id title description_ creator repo html_url node_id number open_issues closed_issues state created_at updated_at due_on closed_at } type contributorsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [contributors] edges: [contributorsEdge] } type contributors { contributions: Int repo_id: repos user_id: users } type contributorsEdge { cursor: String node: contributors } input contributorsFilter { repo_id: IntegerOperations user_id: IntegerOperations contributions: IntegerOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum contributorsSort { repo_id user_id contributions } """Sort by this column descending""" enum contributorsSortDesc { repo_id user_id contributions } type releasesCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [releases] edges: [releasesEdge] } type releases { html_url: String node_id: String tag_name: String target_commitish: String name: String created_at: String published_at: String body: String reactions: String id: Int draft: Int prerelease: Int author: users repo: repos """Related rows from the assets table""" assets_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [assetsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: assetsSort sort_desc: assetsSortDesc ): assetsCollection } type assetsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [assets] edges: [assetsEdge] } type assets { url: String node_id: String name: String label: String content_type: String state: String created_at: String updated_at: String browser_download_url: String id: Int size: Int download_count: Int uploader: users release: releases } type assetsEdge { cursor: String node: assets } input assetsFilter { url: StringOperations id: IntegerOperations node_id: StringOperations name: StringOperations label: StringOperations uploader: IntegerOperations content_type: StringOperations state: StringOperations size: IntegerOperations download_count: IntegerOperations created_at: StringOperations updated_at: StringOperations browser_download_url: StringOperations release: IntegerOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum assetsSort { url id node_id name label uploader content_type state size download_count created_at updated_at browser_download_url release } """Sort by this column descending""" enum assetsSortDesc { url id node_id name label uploader content_type state size download_count created_at updated_at browser_download_url release } type releasesEdge { cursor: String node: releases } input releasesFilter { html_url: StringOperations id: IntegerOperations node_id: StringOperations tag_name: StringOperations target_commitish: StringOperations name: StringOperations draft: IntegerOperations author: IntegerOperations prerelease: IntegerOperations created_at: StringOperations published_at: StringOperations body: StringOperations repo: IntegerOperations reactions: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum releasesSort { html_url id node_id tag_name target_commitish name draft author prerelease created_at published_at body repo reactions } """Sort by this column descending""" enum releasesSortDesc { html_url id node_id tag_name target_commitish name draft author prerelease created_at published_at body repo reactions } type dependentsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [dependents] edges: [dependentsEdge] } type dependents { first_seen_utc: String repo: repos dependent: repos } type dependentsEdge { cursor: String node: dependents } input dependentsFilter { repo: IntegerOperations dependent: IntegerOperations first_seen_utc: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum dependentsSort { repo dependent first_seen_utc } """Sort by this column descending""" enum dependentsSortDesc { repo dependent first_seen_utc } type starsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [stars] edges: [starsEdge] } type stars { starred_at: String user: users repo: repos } type starsEdge { cursor: String node: stars } input starsFilter { user: IntegerOperations repo: IntegerOperations starred_at: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum starsSort { user repo starred_at } """Sort by this column descending""" enum starsSortDesc { user repo starred_at } type tagsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [tags] edges: [tagsEdge] } type tags { name: String sha: String repo: repos } type tagsEdge { cursor: String node: tags } input tagsFilter { repo: IntegerOperations name: StringOperations sha: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum tagsSort { repo name sha } """Sort by this column descending""" enum tagsSortDesc { repo name sha } type workflowsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [workflows] edges: [workflowsEdge] } type workflows { filename: String name: String on: String env: String permissions: String id: Int repo: repos """Related rows from the jobs table""" jobs_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [jobsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: jobsSort sort_desc: jobsSortDesc ): jobsCollection } type jobsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [jobs] edges: [jobsEdge] } type jobs { name: String runs_on: String strategy: String needs: String if_: String id: Int workflow: workflows repo: repos """Related rows from the steps table""" steps_list( """Filters e.g. {name: {eq: "datasette"}}""" filter: [stepsFilter] """ Extra SQL where clauses, e.g. "name='datasette'" """ where: String """Number of results to return""" first: Int """Start at this pagination cursor (from tableInfo { endCursor })""" after: String sort: stepsSort sort_desc: stepsSortDesc ): stepsCollection } type stepsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [steps] edges: [stepsEdge] } type steps { uses: String name: String with_: String run: String env: String if_: String id: Int seq: Int job: jobs repo: repos } type stepsEdge { cursor: String node: steps } input stepsFilter { id: IntegerOperations seq: IntegerOperations job: IntegerOperations repo: IntegerOperations uses: StringOperations name: StringOperations with_: StringOperations run: StringOperations env: StringOperations if_: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum stepsSort { id seq job repo uses name with_ run env if_ } """Sort by this column descending""" enum stepsSortDesc { id seq job repo uses name with_ run env if_ } type jobsEdge { cursor: String node: jobs } input jobsFilter { id: IntegerOperations workflow: IntegerOperations name: StringOperations repo: IntegerOperations runs_on: StringOperations strategy: StringOperations needs: StringOperations if_: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum jobsSort { id workflow name repo runs_on strategy needs if_ } """Sort by this column descending""" enum jobsSortDesc { id workflow name repo runs_on strategy needs if_ } type workflowsEdge { cursor: String node: workflows } input workflowsFilter { id: IntegerOperations filename: StringOperations name: StringOperations on: StringOperations repo: IntegerOperations env: StringOperations permissions: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum workflowsSort { id filename name on repo env permissions } """Sort by this column descending""" enum workflowsSortDesc { id filename name on repo env permissions } type reposEdge { cursor: String node: repos } type usersEdge { cursor: String node: users } input usersFilter { login: StringOperations id: IntegerOperations node_id: StringOperations avatar_url: StringOperations gravatar_id: StringOperations html_url: StringOperations type: StringOperations site_admin: IntegerOperations name: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum usersSort { login id node_id avatar_url gravatar_id html_url type site_admin name } """Sort by this column descending""" enum usersSortDesc { login id node_id avatar_url gravatar_id html_url type site_admin name } type licensesCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [licenses] edges: [licensesEdge] } type licensesEdge { cursor: String node: licenses } input licensesFilter { key: StringOperations name: StringOperations spdx_id: StringOperations url: StringOperations node_id: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum licensesSort { key name spdx_id url node_id } """Sort by this column descending""" enum licensesSortDesc { key name spdx_id url node_id } type raw_authorsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [raw_authors] edges: [raw_authorsEdge] } type raw_authorsEdge { cursor: String node: raw_authors } input raw_authorsFilter { id: StringOperations name: StringOperations email: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum raw_authorsSort { id name email } """Sort by this column descending""" enum raw_authorsSortDesc { id name email } type labelsCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [labels] edges: [labelsEdge] } type labelsEdge { cursor: String node: labels } input labelsFilter { id: IntegerOperations node_id: StringOperations url: StringOperations name: StringOperations color: StringOperations default: IntegerOperations description_: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum labelsSort { id node_id url name color default description_ } """Sort by this column descending""" enum labelsSortDesc { id node_id url name color default description_ } type emojisCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [emojis] edges: [emojisEdge] } type emojis { name: String url: String image: Bytes } scalar Bytes type emojisEdge { cursor: String node: emojis } input emojisFilter { name: StringOperations url: StringOperations image: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum emojisSort { name url image } """Sort by this column descending""" enum emojisSortDesc { name url image } type t_analyze_tables_Collection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [t_analyze_tables_] edges: [t_analyze_tables_Edge] } type t_analyze_tables_ { table: String column: String most_common: String least_common: String total_rows: Int num_null: Int num_blank: Int num_distinct: Int } type t_analyze_tables_Edge { cursor: String node: t_analyze_tables_ } input t_analyze_tables_Filter { table: StringOperations column: StringOperations total_rows: IntegerOperations num_null: IntegerOperations num_blank: IntegerOperations num_distinct: IntegerOperations most_common: StringOperations least_common: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum t_analyze_tables_Sort { table column total_rows num_null num_blank num_distinct most_common least_common } """Sort by this column descending""" enum t_analyze_tables_SortDesc { table column total_rows num_null num_blank num_distinct most_common least_common } type dependent_reposCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [dependent_repos] edges: [dependent_reposEdge] } type dependent_repos { repo: String dependent: String dependent_created: String dependent_updated: String dependent_stars: Int dependent_watchers: Int } type dependent_reposEdge { cursor: String node: dependent_repos } input dependent_reposFilter { repo: StringOperations dependent: StringOperations dependent_created: StringOperations dependent_updated: StringOperations dependent_stars: IntegerOperations dependent_watchers: IntegerOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum dependent_reposSort { repo dependent dependent_created dependent_updated dependent_stars dependent_watchers } """Sort by this column descending""" enum dependent_reposSortDesc { repo dependent dependent_created dependent_updated dependent_stars dependent_watchers } type recent_releasesCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [recent_releases] edges: [recent_releasesEdge] } type recent_releases { repo: String release: String date: String body_markdown: String published_at: String topics: String rowid: Int } type recent_releasesEdge { cursor: String node: recent_releases } input recent_releasesFilter { rowid: IntegerOperations repo: StringOperations release: StringOperations date: StringOperations body_markdown: StringOperations published_at: StringOperations topics: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum recent_releasesSort { rowid repo release date body_markdown published_at topics } """Sort by this column descending""" enum recent_releasesSortDesc { rowid repo release date body_markdown published_at topics } type repos_starredCollection { totalCount: Int pageInfo: PageInfo nodes: [repos_starred] edges: [repos_starredEdge] } type repos_starred { starred_at: String starred_by: String node_id: String name: String full_name: String html_url: String description_: String created_at: String updated_at: String pushed_at: String homepage: String language: String license: String topics: String default_branch: String permissions: String temp_clone_token: String parent: String source: String visibility: String template_repository: String squash_merge_commit_message: String squash_merge_commit_title: String merge_commit_message: String merge_commit_title: String security_and_analysis: String id: Int private: Int owner: Int fork: Int size: Int stargazers_count: Int watchers_count: Int has_issues: Int has_projects: Int has_downloads: Int has_wiki: Int has_pages: Int forks_count: Int archived: Int disabled: Int open_issues_count: Int forks: Int open_issues: Int watchers: Int organization: Int allow_squash_merge: Int allow_merge_commit: Int allow_rebase_merge: Int delete_branch_on_merge: Int network_count: Int subscribers_count: Int allow_auto_merge: Int allow_forking: Int is_template: Int allow_update_branch: Int use_squash_pr_title_as_default: Int web_commit_signoff_required: Int has_discussions: Int } type repos_starredEdge { cursor: String node: repos_starred } input repos_starredFilter { starred_at: StringOperations starred_by: StringOperations id: IntegerOperations node_id: StringOperations name: StringOperations full_name: StringOperations private: IntegerOperations owner: IntegerOperations html_url: StringOperations description_: StringOperations fork: IntegerOperations created_at: StringOperations updated_at: StringOperations pushed_at: StringOperations homepage: StringOperations size: IntegerOperations stargazers_count: IntegerOperations watchers_count: IntegerOperations language: StringOperations has_issues: IntegerOperations has_projects: IntegerOperations has_downloads: IntegerOperations has_wiki: IntegerOperations has_pages: IntegerOperations forks_count: IntegerOperations archived: IntegerOperations disabled: IntegerOperations open_issues_count: IntegerOperations license: StringOperations topics: StringOperations forks: IntegerOperations open_issues: IntegerOperations watchers: IntegerOperations default_branch: StringOperations permissions: StringOperations organization: IntegerOperations temp_clone_token: StringOperations allow_squash_merge: IntegerOperations allow_merge_commit: IntegerOperations allow_rebase_merge: IntegerOperations delete_branch_on_merge: IntegerOperations network_count: IntegerOperations subscribers_count: IntegerOperations parent: StringOperations source: StringOperations allow_auto_merge: IntegerOperations allow_forking: IntegerOperations visibility: StringOperations is_template: IntegerOperations template_repository: StringOperations allow_update_branch: IntegerOperations use_squash_pr_title_as_default: IntegerOperations web_commit_signoff_required: IntegerOperations squash_merge_commit_message: StringOperations squash_merge_commit_title: StringOperations merge_commit_message: StringOperations merge_commit_title: StringOperations has_discussions: IntegerOperations security_and_analysis: StringOperations } """Sort by this column""" enum repos_starredSort { starred_at starred_by id node_id name full_name private owner html_url description_ fork created_at updated_at pushed_at homepage size stargazers_count watchers_count language has_issues has_projects has_downloads has_wiki has_pages forks_count archived disabled open_issues_count license topics forks open_issues watchers default_branch permissions organization temp_clone_token allow_squash_merge allow_merge_commit allow_rebase_merge delete_branch_on_merge network_count subscribers_count parent source allow_auto_merge allow_forking visibility is_template template_repository allow_update_branch use_squash_pr_title_as_default web_commit_signoff_required squash_merge_commit_message squash_merge_commit_title merge_commit_message merge_commit_title has_discussions security_and_analysis } """Sort by this column descending""" enum repos_starredSortDesc { starred_at starred_by id node_id name full_name private owner html_url description_ fork created_at updated_at pushed_at homepage size stargazers_count watchers_count language has_issues has_projects has_downloads has_wiki has_pages forks_count archived disabled open_issues_count license topics forks open_issues watchers default_branch permissions organization temp_clone_token allow_squash_merge allow_merge_commit allow_rebase_merge delete_branch_on_merge network_count subscribers_count parent source allow_auto_merge allow_forking visibility is_template template_repository allow_update_branch use_squash_pr_title_as_default web_commit_signoff_required squash_merge_commit_message squash_merge_commit_title merge_commit_message merge_commit_title has_discussions security_and_analysis }